On June 19 and 20 in McLean, Virginia, supporters of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) protested Ritz-Carlton’s hosting of a speaker from the “white nationalist” web site VDARE, Peter Brimelow. VDARE is listed as a “white nationalist” hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an identity that VDARE states that it is “proud” to hold.
VDARE’s Peter Brimelow was speaking at the Ritz-Carlton as part of a conference by an organization called “The American Cause.” R.E.A.L. contacted the Ritz-Carlton McLean, VA management in advance by telephone, email, and fax – to alert them to Mr. Brimelow’s planned speaking, his background, and his views that accused Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter Von Brunn was “an intelligent man.” The Ritz-Carlton management chose to ignore this advance warning. In addition, R.E.A.L. contacted the Ritz-Carlton management the day of our Saturday June 20 protest and asked the Ritz if it would demonstrate its concern about racism by allowing us to protest in front of the Ritz-Carlton regarding VDARE’s racism; once again the Ritz-Carlton managment declined.
The conference’s speakers also included Hazleton, Pennsylvania Mayor Louis Barletta, whose office R.E.A.L. contacted in advance to warn him of “The American Cause” hosting of VDARE’s Peter Brimelow as a co-speaker. The Hazleton mayor’s office declined to respond, and those that R.E.A.L. contacted in Hazleton city government did not reply.
Peter Brimelow’s VDARE website currently publishes articles defending “white nationalism,” as well as praising a “white separatist” leader as someone who once would have been “called an American patriot.” Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) previously wrote about this meeting on June 17 where we summarized the background of VDARE. In addition, we pointed out how VDARE’s Peter Brimelow wrote on June 11, 2009 that accused Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter Von Brunn was “an intelligent man” – the day after his alleged shooting and murder on June 10 of black security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns.

R.E.A.L. challenges VDARE's Peter Brimelow that accused Holocaust Memorial shooter Von Brunn is an "intelligent man"
— Peter Brimelow’s June 11 comments after Holocaust Memorial Museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns was shot:
— June 11, 2009: VDARE’s Peter Brimelow describes accused Holocaust Memorial Museum shooter Von Brunn as “an intelligent man”
— History of Peter Brimelow’s “white nationalist” background
— VDARE’s Brimelow states that he is proud of racial articles on “white nationalism” published on VDARE
— According to VDARE, “white separatist” Jared Taylor once would have been “called an American patriot”
— Sampling of VDARE articles on race
—- Search on “white”
—- Search on “black”
—- Search on “race”
—- Search on “racial”
—- VDARE’s Sailer articles
—- VDARE’s Taylor articles
—- VDARE’s recent Brimelow article on “half-blood” individuals
—- Other VDARE Brimelow writings
—- SPLC: “Keeping America White” regarding Brimelow and VDARE
—- SPLC: VDARE as “white nationalist” group
See more on Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)’s news reports and activism challenging racial supremacism at: