On July 11, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) members held a public awareness event at the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool steps to promote equality and liberty. This public awareness event was the official launching of our Orange Ribbon campaign for equality and liberty.
We addressed the issues of equality and liberty which are so critical to our human experience, including:
— in America, the urgent need for the support and passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, and inviting the public to our August 26 event at the Freedom Plaza
— the recognition of the global hate crime of misogyny and the need to treat misogynist actions as hate crimes
— the 1 billion that continue to suffer under Communist oppression in Communist China with over 1,000 “forced labor camps” imprisoning 6.8 million, the Communist oppression of people in North Korea including millions starved to death and also put in “forced labor camps”, and continuing Communist oppression of people in Vietnam. We also promoted the July 19 Million Minutes of Meditation rally for freedom in China and for the Falun Gong to be held on the National Mall
— the continuing Racial Supremacism based out of the same institutionalized hate that denies our universal human rights, with thousands members of over 900 racial supremacist hate groups in America today. We pointed to our warning about such racial supremacism in April at our last Lincoln Memorial event, and the tragic murder at the Holocaust Memorial Museum since that time by white supremacist Neo-Nazi Von Brunn. We pointed to those who praised Von Brunn as “an intelligent man” right after the attack, and how hate continues to get a platform in America. We also invited the public to join our public awareness event challenging racial supremacism on August 28, the anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech at the Lincoln Memorial; our August 28 public event challenging racial supremacism will be held at the Robert E. Lee Memorial.
— the challenge of religious extremists using “religious arguments” as a disguise for those whose institutionalized hate leads to violence against women, homosexuals, religious minorities around the world on a regular basis – and why such hate against our fellow human beings must never be legitimized or rationalized as anything other than hate.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty continues to offer a solution to such injustice, inequality, and institutionalized hate – and we believe that the answer is LOVE.
We believe that Love Wins and will ultimately prevail over all forms of institutionalized hate and injustice.
We call on our fellow human beings to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty and join our Orange Ribbon campaign to promote public awareness of the urgent need to continue to defend our universal human rights, through our love for our fellow human beings.

Responsible for Equality And Liberty’s Jeffrey Imm Promotes Equality And Liberty Through Love as the Answer to Institutionalized Hate