On Saturday, July 25, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) will continue its Orange Ribbon public awareness campaign for Equality And Liberty in New York City – at the Union Square Park South plaza – challenging anti-freedom ideologies. The R.E.A.L. NYC Public Awareness Event is planned for 1 PM to 4 PM ET on Saturday, July 25.

NYC's Union Square Park - South Plaza - Site of July 25 Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) Public Awareness Event
Our focus will be on our message that “Love Wins” by promoting our universal human rights of equality and liberty — to challenge those anti-freedom supremacist and totalitarian ideologies that promote institutionalized hate and violence against women, gay individuals, other races, and other people.
Our challenge of anti-freedom ideologies at this public awareness event will include a focus on:
— the continuing challenge of Racial Supremacism with thousands of members in over 900 racial supremacist hate groups in America today. We have been publicly warning about such racial supremacism since April at our event at DC’s Lincoln Memorial, and remain concerned that the tragic murder at the Holocaust Memorial Museum since that time by a white supremacist Neo-Nazi is symptomatic of a larger problem.
— the global challenge of Extremism using “religious arguments” as a disguise for those whose institutionalized hate leads to violence against women, gay individuals, non-Muslims, and Muslims around the world on a regular basis – and why such hate against our fellow human beings must never be legitimized or rationalized as anything other than hate.
We view such supremacist ideologies as based on the same institutionalized hate that denies our universal human rights and that continues to spread violence, intolerance, and injustice around the world.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty continues to offer a solution to such injustice, inequality, and institutionalized hate – and we believe that the answer is LOVE.
We believe that Love Wins and will ultimately prevail over all forms of institutionalized hate and injustice. Our public awareness event will be to inform the public about such challenges of institutionalized hate, and call for their active support in being “Responsible for Equality And Liberty” as individuals to defy such ideologies.
We will be providing Orange Ribbons for Equality And Liberty to the NYC public to help promote public awareness of the need to defend our universal human rights as part of our love for our fellow human beings.
Event Logistics:
Date: Saturday, July 25
Time: 1 to 4 PM ET
Location: NYC Union Square Park South Plaza
For more information: realpublic@earthlink.net
Jeffrey Imm will be wearing a shirt that states “Love Wins – RealCourage.org”
We are going to try to do a “pre-event” meet-up at the Starbucks near Union Square at 10 Union Square East at 12:30 PM, if you are interested, let us know by email at realpublic@earthlink.net
NYC’s Union Square Park South Plaza can be accessed via the NYC Subway system at 14 Street-Union Square / 4 Avenue stop [L,N,Q,R,W] — see this web link for the NYC subway map. The NYC government also provides a map of Union Square Park, along with a web-based “Trip Planner” to Union Square Park to help you find the best way to get there. Union Square Park South Plaza is on the side of the park where Union Square South, East 14th Street, and Broadway intersect.