Indonesia: Hundreds dressed down by sharia officers during raid on clothing
— 100 women detained for wearing pants in Indonesia’s Aceh by “Sharia officers”
— Jakarta Post: “The women targeted by the officers were allegedly wearing un-Islamic clothing and several of them did not wear headscarves, now compulsory in Aceh.”

A woman walks past by a sign advising people to wear Muslim attire at Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Banda Aceh. A local lawmaker says a controverisial bill allowing Shariah-style stoning and caning has gone into effect in the province. (Photo: Heri Juanda, AP)
See also:
Indonesia: Women Banned from Wearing Jeans and Pants – Sharia Police Plan Raids and Patrols
Indonesia: Women Urgently Finding New Clothes to Meet Sharia Standards to Avoid Arrest
Indonesia: 1500 Sharia Police Harrass Men, Women in Aceh
Indonesia: Tsunami ‘punishment’ for breaking Islamic law
Indonesia: Aceh’s Shariah Police ‘Stained Forever’ by Gang Rape
Indonesia: Massive Mob in Indonesia Protests Christmas Eve Service
Anti-Democracy Hizb ut-Tahrir Promotion at Indonesian-Govt Sponsored Event
Indonesia Church Attacked, Burned – in Java – by Mob of 1,000
World AIDS Day: Hizb ut-Tahrir Calls for Stonings, Whippings, Islamic Caliphate
Indonesian Islamists Bully Villagers into Revoking Church Permit
Indonesia: Sharia Bill Calling for Stoning, Now Officially Law in Aceh