Imam Abdul Alim Musa (aka Clarence Reams) , founder and director of As-Sabiqun, has appeared on Iran’s Press TV stating that the U.S. government and Israel’s Mossad are to blame for the failed Christmas Day terror attack on Northwest Flight 235 attempted by Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.
Abdul Alim Musa is a member of the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT), and has been described in the DC Muslim Link as the Imam of Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, D.C. Imam Abdul Alim Musa has supported calls for extremist Violent Extemism, called for support for terrorist organizations, and seeks the creation of an extremist caliphate to “dominate all other ways of life.” Masjid Al-Islam recently held a fund-raiser for the family of alleged criminal Luqman Ameen Abdullah, who reportedly sought violent jihad against America, and Imam Abdul Alim Musa recently defended Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan as “victimized” and the “target of psychological warfare.”

Washington DC Imam Abdul Alim Musa Blames Christmas Day Terror Attack on U.S. Govt and Israel's Mossad (Video Still - MEMRI-TV)
In the latest interview, provided by MEMRI, Imam Abdul Alim Musa states: “We said it then, and we say it now, and this is the belief in the Muslim world: 90% of the bombing plots — or this plot or that plot — we believe is done by and with the help and the aid of Mossad, and the United States government.” “We believe that whoever this guy is from Nigeria – we don’t believe he has any ties with Islam. If you talk about the World Trade Center bombing – all of these things are done… I can give you two quick reasons, and it will solve the problem. Number one – to blame these things on Muslims. You get the Patriot Act, you get the anti-terrorism bill, you get a right to what they call stop, put a freeze, on the global Islamic movement, which has been spreading, growing, and developing. You get a chance to launch missiles, to kill, and to put a freeze on the Islamic movement.” (See MEMRI-TV video.)
Musa also stated that such conspiracies are an attack on Islam: “It’s a message that these Muslims are evil. It gives the United States the justification for Yemen, for even northern Nigeria, for anybody. And the people are doing it. Why is this young rich guy all of a sudden going to blow up something? The no-fly list – the man [Obama] is lying through his teeth. I’m on the no-fly list. If I take ten flights in the US, I’m held up. I miss five of them.”
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes As-Sabiqun as follows:
— “Sabiqun is an anti-Semitic Muslim group that advocates for the creation of a global Islamic state that would abolish all ‘man-made’ forms of governance. Arabic for ‘vanguard,’ Sabiqun was founded by Imam Abdul Alim Musa, the head of the Masjid Al Islam mosque in Washington DC.”
— “While Sabiqun claims to have a national presence with centers in several cities, including in Los Angeles and Philadelphia, it appears to have a relatively small following organized primarily around two mosques; Alim Musa’s DC mosque and the Masjid Al Islam mosque in Oakland, California, which is led by the movement’s other main figure, Imam Amir Abdul Malik Ali. The mosques are located in poor neighborhoods and claim to provide social services to the communities.”
— “Sabiqun claims that it was created in the early 1990s at Masjid Al Islam mosque in Philadelphia. On July 4, 1995, it published a document called ‘Resolution of Philadelphia,’ which declared the group’s ‘independence from man-made concepts.’ The document, created as a challenge to the U.S. Declaration of Independence, resolved to work toward establishing a self sufficient Muslim community that will work with other Muslims ‘for the purpose of reestablishing the system of governance known as Khilafah, or the Caliphate.’ ”
— “Sabiqun predicts that Islamic rule will be established in the U.S., which it calls ‘the Islamic State of North America,’ by ‘no later than 2050.’ Speaking in 2000 at a gathering organized by Jamaat al-Muslimeen in Baltimore, Alim Musa said: ‘Islam went everywhere in the [ancient] world… so why can’t Islam take over America… We are on the right road.’ ”
— “An article published in the Sabiqun newsletter in March 2002 claimed that there is ‘open warfare’ between Muslims and the U.S., which it described as “the united forces of kufr [non-believers]… the criminal constitutional dictatorship of the USA.’ ”
— “Sabiqun advocates for a ‘revolution,’ which it describes as ‘absolute change rooted in Allah’s guidance.’ The first issues of the Sabiqun newsletter included a section called ‘Things to do now,’ in which it listed the following: ‘Always cherish the intention of jihad and the desire for martyrdom in the way of Allah and actually prepare yourself for that.’ ”
— “Sabiqun openly supports Iran and Hezbollah and has links to the Institute of Contemporary Islamic Thought (ICIT), an international pro-Iranian, pro-Hezbollah think tank that distributes anti-Semitic propaganda in its magazine, Crescent International. Alim Musa is a ‘senior’ member of the ICIT, and ‘issues of Crescent International serve as regular monthly reading for most Sabiqun members,’ according to the Sabiqun Web site.”
— “Alim Musa and Malik Ali have participated at events organized by Muslim-American organizations such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, Muslim American Society, Islamic Circle of North America and the Islamic Society of North America. They have also spoken at large community mosques around the country. But Alim Musa and Malik Ali are particularly popular with Muslim student groups, in particular the Muslim Student Union at the University of California, Irvine.”
The Investigative Project on Terrorism has a report on Abdul Alim Musa, including previous videos of his speeches, and states that:
— “In his role as an Imam and representative of Masjid al-Islam and As-Sabiqun, Musa has consistently put forth strident anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic messages that emphasize his conviction that America and Israel seek to destroy Islam and subjugate all Muslims. Based on this, Musa preaches on the glory of suicide bombings and Violent Extemism, while praising terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizballah as ‘heroes’ and condemning the U.S. as the true terrorist. Musa also denies that al-Qaeda was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and blames it instead on the Bush Administration and the CIA.”
On December 25, 2009, Imam Alim Musa’s Masjid Al-Islam in Washington, D.C. held a fundraiser for the family of Luqman Ameen Abdullah, Islamic Imam of Masjid Al-Haqq located in Detroit, Michigan. The blog for the DC Masjid Al-Islam stated that the FBI had “assassinated” Detroit’s Luqman Ameen Abdullah, and that “we of the As-Sabiqun movement will continue to challenge Zionist American domination of Islamic affairs locally and worldwide.” The Masjid Al-Islam seeks to create replace the current government in the United States and the world with a global extremist caliphate, rejecting the U.S. Constitution and its laws.
On October 28, 2009, FBI agents sought to raid the Masjid Al-Haqq in Dearborn, Michigan, but when Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah fired on FBI agents during the raid, he was killed in a shootout. The October 28 FBI arrests included arrests of individuals in Detroit as well. A joint statement by the Detroit FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s office stated that the eleven suspects “are members of a group that is alleged to have engaged in violent activity over a period of many years and known to be armed.”
In R.E.A.L.’s October 29, 2009 posting, we stated that a federal criminal complaint stated that eleven individuals linked to the head of a Dearborn, Michigan area mosque Masjid Al-Haqq, including Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah, sought to promote violence against the United States government, including calls for attacks on the FBI, attacks on the U.S. federal government, calls for a nuclear attack on Washington DC, and encouraging attacks on police. The federal criminal complaint also documented reports of Luqman Ameen Abdullah’s talking to little children about how many people he had killed, and it also stated that Luqman Ameen Abdullah told another member that “I shot a lot of nigg*rs.”
According to the federal criminal complaint by the FBI:
“The investigation has shown that Luqman Ameen Abdullah, Imam of the Masjid Al-Haqq, in Detroit, Michigan, is a highly placed leader of a nationwide radical fundamentalist Sunni group consisting primarily of African-Americans, some of whom converted to Islam while they were serving sentences in various prisons across the United States. Their primary mission is to establish a separate, sovereign Islamic state (‘The Ummah’) within the borders of the United States, governed by Sharia law. The Ummah is to be ruled over by Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown, who is currently serving a life sentence in the Florence, Colorado Supermax for shooting two police officers in Georgia.”
“In 1981, Luqman Abdullah was convicted in Wayne County, Michigan of felonious assault and carrying a concealed weapons. Further a check of law enforcement indices shows that in 1979, Abdullah was arrested and charged with resisting arrest and assault on a police officer by the Mobile Alabama Police Department; the disposition of those charges is unknown.”
“Luqman Abdullah calls his followers to an offensive jihad, rather than a defensive jihad. He regularly preaches anti-government and anti-law enforcement rhetoric. Abdullah and his followers have trained regularly in the use of firearms, and continue to train in martial arts and sword fighting. Abdullah encourages members of the Masjid Al-Haqq, many of whom are convicted felons, to carry a firearm, and information obtained during the course of this investigation indicates that many of Abdullah’s followers are usually armed. Abdullah preaches that every Muslim should have a weapon, and should not be scared to use their weapons when needed. Members and former members of the Masjid Al-Haqq have stated they are willing to do anything Abdullah instructs and/or preaches, even including criminal conduct and acts of violence.”
The Washington DC-based Masjid Al-Islam also promotes efforts to free Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rapp Brown.
We support our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge extremist supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights.
— See also:
— October 29, 2009: Michigan: Imam Called for Attacks on FBI, Washington DC, Police – Sought Hate, Violence Against Non-Muslims
— December 4, 2009 – Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT): “Radical Movement’s Leader Forecasts America’s Demise”
— IPT News: “As-Sabiqun, a Washington D.C.-based organization with branches in four other major American cities, released a flyer labeling shooter Nidal Malik Hasan as ‘victimized’ and the ‘target of psychological warfare.’ The handout also defended convicted terrorists and suspects.”
— “As-Sabiqun has repeatedly predicted the demise of the United States and dreams of ‘the Islamic State of North America no later than 2050.’ ”
— See also R.E.A.L. postings on the threat of Racial Supremacism