On February 16, 2010, American Renaissance “hate group” leader Jared Taylor appeared on Stormfront leader Derek Black’s radio show on WPBR AM as an invited guest.

"White Nationalist" Jared Taylor - Leader of American Renaissance and New Century Foundation - Laughs at Idea "Diversity is a Strength"
The “hate group” Stormfront promoted Jared Taylor to speak about the recently canceled American Renaissance conference. The posting on this by Stormfront leader and former KKK leader Don Black is provided, which also promotes a link by a supporter of “a leading Holocaust Denier” Ernst Zundel — see image below:

Stormfront Ad for American Renaissance's Jared Taylor as "Guest" on Stormfront Derek Black's Radio Show
Update: R.E.A.L. has also learned that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke also provided follow-up links to Jared Taylor’s appearance on the Stormfront-led radio show. See image below.