As promised, even though the American Renaissance “white supremacist” “hate group” event was cancelled, on February 19 at 12 noon, I showed up to spread the word about groups seeking to spread racial hate in Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland in Columbia Heights area of Washington DC. I urged our fellow Washingtonians to Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.
The Columbia Heights district of Washington DC is a diverse area with white, black, Asian, Hispanic ethnicities. I chose the location for its very diversity, which groups like the American Renaissance seek to mock. Moreover, I made a point in speaking to people of color that I was standing in public as a white man showing that I recognized that defying white supremacism is the responsibility of white Americans too. One passerby said with a smile, “about time someone understands that!”

February 19 - R.E.A.L.'s Jeffrey Imm Speaks at Columbia Heights After Cancellation of "American Renaissance" Event
Given the repeated threats against protesters by members of Stormfront and other “white nationalist” groups, I asked some supporters to hold back from this event which was not a rally, but merely a public awareness event to hand out fliers about the continuing challenge to the DC metropolitan area by “white nationalist” “hate groups” such as American Renaissance, VDARE, Occidental Dissent, and Stormfront. I updated the public about the recent cancellation of the “American Renaissance” event, and also informed of the efforts of such groups to continue to seek to spread hate in the DC area.
A number of people thanked me for coming out to speak today. As always, it was my pleasure, and as always, it was another good day to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty.
Two members from the anti-Semitic, “white nationalist” Occidental Dissent group decided to stand some distance away on the street corner. Occidental Dissent’s motto is “We support the creation of a Jew-free, racially exclusive White ethnostate in North America.”
I asked them what they were afraid of. They could see that I had no “gang of thugs” or “mob ready to shout them down.”
They still were so ashamed to appear in public, that one of them, “Hunter Wallace” had to hide his face with a black bandanna scarf and hat. They sought to videotape my outreach to the DC public. One man took a flier and wrote on “Hate Get Out” and showed it to them. “Hunter Wallace” was joined by “Pip Pockets” who made catcalls and giggled. I pity their fear and hate, and they should know that our rejection of their ideology is not a rejection of them as human beings. We urge them to drop the hate from their hearts, and Choose Love, Not Hate.
I asked them where American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor was, but they had no answer – just like they had no courage to debate us on their ideas. One meekly said he stood for “white power,” then promptly stopped talking.
My response was that myself and our supporters call, not for “white power,” but for “Human Power.”
Because it is that Human Power that stands up to hate, stands up to supremacism, stands up to totalitarianism, and gives strength to our shared consensus on our universal human rights. We believe that all men and women are created equal. That is never a question. That is a declaration of what it means to be an American, and it is declaration of the most fundamental aspect of our universal human rights.
It is such Human Power that allows even a single individual to defy the forces of hate. It is such Human Power that demonstrates that hate belongs in the past, and that our love for our fellow human beings and their universal human rights is the future.
Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
Note: We will have a rally of those in support of Racial Harmony, Equality, Justice – in Defiance of Racial Supremacism – on the Steps of the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool next month (previously planned for April 4 before we learned that was Easter Sunday this year). I hope to see you there. We will have more in the near future on this – check back at, or email us at