“White Nationalist” groups, who seek to create a white-only America, are sharing information with each other online about their efforts to try to infiltrate and influence “Tea Party” organizations. This includes “White Nationalist” groups that are promoting the upcoming “American Renaissance” conference still scheduled at a new, undisclosed location for February 20-21 in the Washington DC area by the “New Century Foundation / American Renaissance” group.
We are aware that some in the Tea Party Movement are recognizing efforts by such white nationalists to infiltrate their political movement, and are addressing and rejecting them. We urge all political movements to prioritize rejecting hate.
The “White Nationalist” group Occidental Dissent members claim that they are seeking to infiltrate Tea Party organizations and their supporters, and in some cases they have reported being rejected from some Tea Party groups for their racist views. The Occidental Dissent views as its mission that “We support the creation of a Jew-free, racially exclusive White ethnostate in North America.”
A prominent contributor to the Occidental Dissent has posted a “speech” that is intended to reach “Tea Party” supporters, stating:
— “We’re all in this together and we’re in this for far more than a balanced budget. We’re in this for even more than the fate of our republic. We’re in this for the fate of ourselves: White Americans. Look around you, stand up for a second and turn in a circle. The media jackals have been giggling about it for months and the ‘experts’ are all upset about it, but none of us will dare to admit the glaringly obvious: that we’re all glaringly White. We’re a people, and not just any people. We’re the people who created this country and the only people to whom it will ever rightfully belong. We are the progeny to whom this republic was entrusted by the founding fathers.”
— “Now, everybody wants to hijack this tea party movement, and we White Advocates are no exception. The libertarians think they own you. The GOP thinks it owns you. Fox News thinks it owns you. Sarah Palin thinks she speaks for you. But you will all get to decide for yourselves, as individuals, which direction to go when the powerful groups destroying our country force you to either go radical or go home. We in the growing White Advocacy movement are there to fight for you and your family against our enemies, not for principles against abstractions and code words.”
The Occidental Dissent speech, also attacking Jews and white “Uncle Toms,” was praised by members of the Neo-Nazi Stormfront organization.
Another “White Nationalist” makes the anecdotal claim that calls for “sterilization” of those on welfare has been well received by those they know who are Tea Party supporters. Such calls for “sterilization” tactics of others has been an inherent solution” by other “white nationalists” such as Jared Taylor, who is leading the planned February 20-21 “American Renaissance” conference scheduled for the Washington DC area.

White Nationalists Seek to Influence Tea Party Members on Welfare "Sterilization" Arguments - Excerpt
Despite their goals to infiltrate Tea Party groups, however, some “White Nationalists” are complaining that their racist views are not well-received by some groups, such as this poster at the “White Nationalist” Occidental Dissent group, who claims that she was kicked out of one Tea Party group “but not another” for racist views:

One "White Nationalist" Complains About Being Kicked Out of a Tea Party Group for Being "Too Racist"
Coincidentally, Marvel Comics is also publishing an issue of its Captain America with a plot to uncover information about a fictional group called “Watchdog” that had infiltrated the Tea Party Movement. One poster stated that the plot represented “Captain Zion pretending to be Captain America.” The Neo-Nazi white supremacist Stormfront group members have had their own complaints about the story, stating that the fictional character Captain America “has always been a propaganda tool for zionists.”
The troubling issue is that I have seen myself examples of racism and anti-Semitism growing in activist groups. Due to R.E.A.L.’s protests against Communist totalitarianism, someone thought to invite us to an “Anti-Communist” group, led by an individual who uses as his personal slogan the lyrics from the “Ali G” nonsensical song “throw the jew down the well.”
Furthermore, at our own separate event on September 12, 2009 intended to promote equality and liberty as strategies to challenge ideologies of hate, we saw too many individuals at the September 12 Tea Party Rally with racially offensive placards marching down Constitution Avenue, as they passed by our event at the Washington Monument.
In April 2009, the Grassroots Politics Examiner first reported on efforts by the Neo-Nazi Stormfront organization to seek to infiltrate “Tea Party” groups. The Examiner reported in April 2009 that Stormfront members were pleased about the “white” nature of Tea Party events, and the Examiner quoted Stormfront members as stating:
— “What’s so encouraging is that the organizers and participants are pre-dominantly whites… I’m going to take the day off and attend the local one, carrying my Gadsden flag. Encourage others to do the same. Hopefully the beginning of a sense of ethno-centrism.”
— “Go where our people are starting to stand up around symptoms of the problem, and INTERVENE to guide them. Just because these started as an anti-tax protest doesn’t mean that they must be limited and can’t be developed upward toward an explicitly racial mass struggle.”
— “We are intervening to resolve the crisis of White racial leadership, point the way to real racial solutions and organize our people into an independent powerful force that fight for our race by any means necessary to resolve our racial problems with real solutions. No one is going to do the job of the White Nationalists for us.”
— “I think the ‘tea party’ is a good way to meet people with potential. Most people at this event will be white people who are fed up with the direction of things and they are ready to hear how we got into this mess. There are two kinds of people in this world, those who know what the Jews have done and those who do not.”
All effective political movements must reject hate as a priority in reaching the American people. We recognize that, in any mass movement, there will always be those who are extremists or even activists that are not representative of such groups. We recognize the inherent challenges in having a completely consistent message with any volunteer-centric organization or movement.
However, it is important for the Tea Party Movement to be aware that “white nationalists” have specifically targeted its groups for infiltration and influence to promote racist views.
R.E.A.L. believes that a priority of loving our fellow human beings remains an ethical compass for public efforts and mass movements alike. We believe that such a compass can help those who are struggling against the forces of hate.
Choose Love, Not Hate.