Detroit’s Auburn Hills: white supremacist neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations puts plastic Easter eggs over area with racist hate fliers – some on lawns of black Americans – found by small children.
— Detroit Free Press report: Auburn Hills cops probe racist Easter egg notes
— Click on Detroit reports:
— “African-American families in the 4800 block of Dexter Road said they found the plastic eggs tossed in their yard with hateful messages inside.”
— “Some of the messages included the ‘N’ word and references to the Aryan Nation. Shamir Lyles said she watched a girlfriend’s son open one of the eggs.”
— “‘He was shocked. He didn’t know what it was, he thought it was the Easter bunny,’ she said. ‘I was really shocked. I mean, you know the feelings are out there and the thought are there, but to just be openly displayed like this … I was really kind of shocked this happened in our area.'”
— Detroit News: “Easter eggs with racial slurs left on Auburn Hills lawns”
— WJBK Detroit report:
— “Messages of Hate Found in Easter Eggs”
— “Colorful, plastic Easter eggs are known to hold sweet treats, but what some people found inside some of those eggs has them terribly disturbed. Vile messages of racism and hate were printed on a flier stuffed into the eggs. They were distributed in neighborhoods in Auburn Hills.
— “‘The Aryan Nations is a group that is claiming that’s who is distributing the information, but we’re not exactly sure who went out and passed it out,’ said Auburn Hills Police Lt. James Manning. ‘There are… as far as we can find at this point, no local groups that are claiming responsibility.'”
— “The eggs were first spotted in a neighborhood near Walton and Dexter.”
— “‘The area that was covered was primarily one neighborhood, but there’s no indication that any one family or individual was targeted,’ Manning said.”
— “Neighbors reject the message and messengers of hate.”
— “Another neighborhood was hit with the eggs. Police are investigating a Web site linked to the hate fliers, and the distributors remain elusive.”
— “Anyone with information is asked to call the Auburn Hills Police Department at 248-370-9448. ”
Associated WJBK Detroit Video
Racist Nazi Group Aryan Nations Takes Credit for Distributing Hate Fliers in Easter Eggs (Photo: WJBK, myFOX Detroit)
See other R.E.A.L. postings on the Aryan Nations hate group:
Oregon: Town Unites Against White Supremacist Group
Idaho: Aryan Nations gone, but stain remains in Idaho
Idaho: Nazi Aryan Nations Recruiting Again
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge Nazi, white supremacist, “white nationalist,” and “race realist” supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights.
Choose love, not hate. Love wins.