R.E.A.L. summarizes reports on a new proposed domestic violence bill in Pakistan, opposition to it, and reports on domestic violence in Pakistan. In August 2009, a similar bill was reportedly “passed” by the Pakistan National Assembly, but was rejected due to inaction by the Pakistan Senate and the rest of the Pakistan government by December 2009. In January 2010, the U.S. government announced plans for $7.5 billion in aid for Pakistan.
— April 8, 2010: AP reports: “Pakistan edges closer to banning domestic violence”
— after acid attack on her face, destroying her left eye, wife Zakia Perveen said “I just thought it was my destiny, my fate.”
— “Rights advocates hope a proposed law banning domestic violence will chip away at such attitudes, giving women a more even playing field and bringing Pakistan in line with a growing number of developing nations that have outlawed spousal abuse.”
— “But Islamist lawmakers in Parliament are objecting, claiming the law could tear apart the social fabric by undermining families.”
— “In 2008, there were at least 7,571 incidents of acid attacks, rapes, spousal beatings and other violence against women, according to The Aurat Foundation, a women’s rights group. Because the group relied mostly on media reports, the figure is likely a vast undercount.”
— “Other surveys have shown up to 80 percent of wives in rural parts of Pakistan fear physical violence from their husbands, while 50 percent of women in urban areas admit their husbands beat them, according to a 2009 U.S. State Department report on Pakistan.”

Pakistan: Abused Wife Zakia Perveen - who was attacked with acid in her face by her husband - losing her left eye (AP Photo/B.K. Bangash)
The February 1, 2010: Aurat Foundation – Statistics of violence against women in Pakistan in 2009. report states that:
“The number of cases of violence in different categories of offenses and their province-wise breakdown is as follows. There were:
— 1384 cases of murder:
(752 in Punjab; 288 in Sindh; 266 in NWFP; 39 in Balochistan; 39 in Islamabad);
— 604 cases of honor killing:
(245 in Punjab; 284in Sindh; 14 in NWFP; 59 in Balochistan; 2 in Islamabad);
— 1987 cases of abduction/kidnapping:
(1698 in Punjab; 160 in Sindh; 64 in NWFP; 13 in Balochistan; 52 in Islamabad);
— 608 cases of domestic violence:
(271 in Punjab; 134 in Sindh; 163 in NWFP; 22 in Balochistan; 18 in Islamabad);
— 683 cases of suicide:
( 448 in Punjab; 176 in Sindh; 43 in NWFP; 10 in Balochistan; 6 in Islamabad);
— 928 cases of rape/gang-rape:
(786 in Punjab; 122 in Sindh; 7 in NWFP; 4 in Balochistan; 9 in Islamabad);
— 274 cases of sexual assault:
(227 in Punjab; 44 in Sindh; 0 in NWFP; 2 in Balochistan; 1 in Islamabad);
— 50 cases of stove burning:
(33 in Punjab; 10 in Sindh; 4 in NWFP; 1 in Balochistan; 2 in Islamabad);
— 53 cases of acid throwing:
(42 in Punjab; 9 in Sindh; 1 in NWFP; 0 in Balochistan; 1 in Islamabad);
— 1977 cases of violence were of miscellaneous nature (vanni/swara, custodial violence, torture, trafficking, child marriages, incest, threat to violence, sexual harassment, attempted murder, suicide & rape) in the four provinces and Islamabad.”
A year ago, similar media reports stated efforts were in progress on a new domestic violence law in Pakistan. In August 2009, Dawn reported that a “private bill” on domestic violence had passed in the Pakistan National Assembly, which required approval by the Pakistan Senate. The Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) in Pakistan has previously warned that a law against domestic violence will “push up divorce rates,” according to Dawn. But by December 25, 2009, ANI reported “the [Pakistan] Government has seemingly lost sight of it.” On December 25, 2009, ANI reported: “when the bill was sent to the Senate, Mohammad Khan Sheerani, of the JUI-F, raised some objections, leading to a deferment of hearing, and then the Government slept on the matter and now the bill has lapsed… to make it a law the Government was required to get the bill passed through the upper house within 90 days of its receipt.”
— In another report by Shirin Sadeghi, Pakistan group Women Protection Project’s Dr. Khola Iram states “When you talk about domestic violence in Pakistan, some men in the educated classes, for instance, say that women are not the ones who are dying, it’s the police officers, they are all males… They don’t consider citizen security as security of women also.”
— Shirin Sadeghi reports “Dr. Iram is subdued as she explains that Pakistan, a nation of over 90 million women and girls, does not have a domestic violence law.”
— Shirin Sadeghi also tells of how Pakistani women have been “married” to inanimate objects and even pigeons to save their inheritance. Shirin Sadeghi reports: “The concept of marrying a female family member to an inanimate object, such as the Koran, or an animal, is too often employed to ensure that the inheritance will never be lost. ‘We had a case in Bhawalpur where the lady was married to a pigeon just to save the inheritance. I mean, what kind of Islam is that?’ Dr. Iram says.”
— March 2009 report – Pakistan woman Irshaad asks: “Is it really a punishable crime to beat or scold one’s wife?” She says she is not beaten as often now that her husband has gotten sick.
— See also Google search on “domestic violence bill in Pakistan”
Other R.E.A.L. postings on Pakistan women:
March 11, 2010: U.S. State Department Human Rights Report on Women in Pakistan
Pakistan: 647 women killed in the name of ‘honor’ last year
Pakistan: Latest Honor Killing:How A Deleted Cellphone Video Led To Murder
Pakistan: Violence against women increases by 27 percent: official
Pakistan Women Acid Victims Seek Hope — Women “Treated Like Commodoties”
Pakistan: Man kills wife over ‘honor’
Slavery in Pakistan: “Girl sold in open auction”
Pakistan: Taliban kill two female teachers in Bajaur
Pakistan: Bombing in Peshawar Targets Women, Children
Pakistan: Acid burn victim seeks help to fight her misery
Pakistan: Suicide Attack Targets Women’s Cafeteria at Pakistan University
Pakistan — Karachi: “Man slays sister’s husband over honor” for being married
Pakistan: “Mother of nine killed over honor”
Pakistan: Top Pakistan university to ban kissing
Pakistan Federal Shariat Court acquits rape convict
Pakistan “Honor Killing”: “Bodies of couple found in well in Gadap Town”
Pakistan “Honor Killing” based on “Karo-Kari” — Kubra Bibi — mother of two, strangled
Pakistan: Human rights group hails new law for Pakistani women — PCC states it will “provides protection to working women at workplace from sexual advances and intimidation”
Pakistan Mob Tortures Women, Forces Them to Walk Naked in Public
Pakistan: “7 more girls escape from Women Crisis Centre” — fear to be killed by relatives
Pakistan: “Honor Killing” of Daughter and Boy
Pakistan: Suspected “Honor Killing” of Pregnant Wife, Two Teenage Daughters
Pakistan Christian Post: “Honor killing of 40 women in month of May, 2009, in Sindh”
Pakistan — 60-year-old woman charged with “blasphemy”
Pakistan “Honor Killing”: Bride’s family accused of double murder
Pakistan: Man kills cousin for ‘honor’
Pakistan: Jirga orders marrying off three minor girls
Pakistan: “Honour killings in Sindh rise in second quarter: report”
Pakistan: “122 cases of women being burnt were reported in Lahore”
Pakistan: Another “Honor Killing” of Eloped Couple — Barki
Pakistan “Honor killings”: Couple, including teenage bride, mother, sister murdered
Pakistan high court orders release of “honor killing” convict
Pakistan: 16 year old girl sold to 62 year old man
Pakistan: Wider cooperation stressed to fight women trafficking
Pakistan: ‘Violence against women on rise as perpetrators go scot-free’
Pakistan’s Lahore: Man kills sister in the name of ‘honor’ — in front of other family members
Pakistan: Update on Tasleem Solangi “honor-killing” case
Pakistan Karachi: When a woman’s right becomes a ‘sin’
Pakistan: Report on Al-Huda International – “Many girls have been ‘transformed’ by Ms Hashmi who now believe in limiting their existence to the four walls of the house”
Pakistan: “Karo-Kiri” used to justify so-called “honor killings”
Pakistan: woman forced to kidnap because of misogynist hate against women
Canada’s Roohi Tabassum “Faces possible honor killing if deported to Pakistan”
Pakistan: “Brother kills girl for honor”
Pakistan: Honor Killing in Pakistan takes lives of two men one woman
Pakistan: Female Pakistani Singer Killed In Peshawar — Ayman Udas
Pakistan: “honor killings” in Sindh
Pakistan: “Brother kills girl for honor”
Pakistan: Pashto female singer killed
Pakistan: Taliban gunmen shooting couple dead for adultery caught on camera
Pakistan: NWFP: Couple shot dead on jirga’s order – Kala Dhaka
Pakistan: Eloping Niece Murdered by Extremist Uncle Over “Honor”
Pakistan: Daughters Murdered by Extremist Father
Pakistan: Study Finds So-Called “Honor Killings” a Major Portion of Pakistan’s Homicides
Pakistan: Taliban whip 17 year old girl
Pakistan: Taliban destroy over 100 girls’ schools in Swat
Pakistan: Husband chops off wife’s nose on alleged infidelity
Pakistan woman asks – is it a crime for her husband to beat her?
Pakistan – Fear of death stalks women in Swat
Other R.E.A.L. postings on Pakistan religious minority women:
Pakistan: Pregnant woman killed for changing sect — from Sunni to Shia Islam
Pakistan: 25 Hindu girls abducted every month; forcibly converted to Islam
Pakistan Report: Christian Woman Raped, Tortured — Protests Denied
Pakistan: Report of Attack on Christian Family to Get Withdrawl of Rape Cape — Muneeran Bibi
Pakistan: Reports of Christian Girl Burnt Alive After Rape
Pakistan: Activists warn, the murder of a 12-year-old Christian girl could go unpunished
Pakistan: Violent Death of Girl in Pakistan Spurs Push for Justice
Pakistan’s Punjab: Christian Girl Attacked For Saying She’s Pakistani
Pakistan — ICC report on rape of Christian minority girl
Pakistan — ICC Report: “Pregnant Christian Dragged Naked through Pakistani Police Station”
Pakistan — Muslim Forces 12-year-old Girl to Convert, Marry Him
Pakistan: Lahore Christian woman threatened with “blasphemy” charge