— AFP reports on sentencing on white supremacist Paul Schlesselman
— AFP: “US man gets 10 years for Obama assassination plot”
— “A US white supremacist was sentenced to 10 years in prison Thursday for having conspired to kill then-presidential candidate Barack Obama and dozens of other African-Americans in 2008.”
— “US District Judge J. Daniel Breen sentenced Paul Schlesselman, 19, of West Helena, Arkansas after he pled guilty in January to a wide-ranging plot targeting US blacks.”
— “He acknowledged having plotted to kill some 88 people and decapitate 14 African-Americans, before a final act assassinating Obama, who was at the time bidding to become the country’s first black president.’

White Supremacist Paul Schlesselman - Pled Guilty to Conspiracy, Plot to Kill Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
Previous R.E.A.L. postings on Paul Schlesselman
Tennessee: White Supremacist Terrorist Pleads Guilty — Mass Murder Terror Plot — Paul Schlesselman
Tennessee: Cowert and Schlesselman Court Ruling — “Judge won’t toss evidence in Obama plot”
U.S.: Guardian report on white supremacist plot by Cowart and Schlesselman