British news media have been reporting on the plans of a group in the United Kingdom to hold an October 31 march in London calling for the end to the “oppression of democracy and man-made laws”… stating “We have had enough of freedom”… and calling for Sharia law to replace democracy and freedom in the United Kingdom.
The anti-democracy, anti-freedom, “Islam4UK” organization also calls for an end to “liberalism” in the United Kingdom and demands that “it is time for authority to be turned over to the Muslims.” The “Islam4UK” group’s leader, Anjem Choudary, has praised the 9/11 attackers, sought funding for “mujaheddin,” called for oppression of women, and sought stoning and amputations to be part of Sharia law in the United Kingdom.
The “Islam4UK” group has stated that it plans — “On 31st October 2009, at approximately 1 pm, Muslims will be marching in a spectacular procession in support of Shari’ah law. Never before has such an event taken place in the United Kingdom, as thousands of Muslims plan to take to the heart of the Capital and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah law. Indeed, the British society has suffered extensively from the oppression of democracy and man made law, and the Muslims stand united in saying ‘Enough is enough.’ We have had enough of freedom, and enough of liberalism, it is time for sovereignty to return to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, Almighty Allah (SWT) and it is time for authority to be handed to the Muslims. This march will begin from the Houses of Parliament, followed by 10 Downing Street and culminate in Trafalgar Square, to let the people of Britain know that Islam and the Shari’ah is coming to them very, very soon. We urgently request all Muslims to take part in this magnificent event and declare YOUR support and allegiance to the Deen of Haq (Truth).”

From the "Islam4UK" Web Site: Anti-Democracy, Anti-Freedom Group "Islam4UK" Plans October 31 March Calling for the End of Democracy and Freedom in the United Kingdom
According to the news report in the Daily Express, “Plans for the demonstration have been delivered to the Metropolitan Police and could see up to 5,000 extremists marching to demand the controversial system. The procession — dubbed March 4 Shari’ah — will start at the House of Commons, which the group’s website describes as the ‘very place where the lives of millions of people in the UK are changed and it is from here where unjust wars are launched.'”
The Daily Express report also states that the “group then intends to march to 10 Downing Street and ‘call for the removal of the tyrant Gordon Brown from power.’ “The march will then converge on Trafalgar Square where protesters expect it ‘will gather even more support from tourists and members of the public, making clear in the heart of London the need for Shari’ah in society’. The group declared: ‘We hereby request all Muslims in the United Kingdom, in Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff, Glasgow and all other places to join us and collectively declare that as submitters to Almighty Allah, we have had enough of democracy and man-made law and the depravity of the British culture.’ ‘On this day we will call for a complete upheaval of the British ruling system its members and legislature, and demand the full implementation of Shari’ah in Britain.’ ”
According to the London Evening Standard, the group “Islam4UK” is a spin-off from the previously banned “Al-Muhajiroun” led by exiled leader Omar Bakri Muhammed. Al-Muhajiroun has praised the 9/11 attacks on the United States. Omar Bakri Muhammed who continues to broadcast to religious extremists in the United Kingdom via the Internet using the Paltalk tool on a nightly basis (9:30 PM – 11:30 PM GMT), as promoted on the “Islam4UK” web site.
Anjem Choudary, the deputy of exiled radical Omar Bakri Muhammed, has been conducting ongoing operations of the “Islam4UK” organization in the United Kingdom.
Choudary praised the 9/11 attackers along with Omar Bakri Muhammed. Choudary has stated that “Violent Extemism is a duty and a struggle and an obligation that lies upon the shoulders of us all. We will not rest until the flag of Allah and the flag of Islam is raised above 10 Downing Street” He has also stated “if you do not fear your home being raided by the Kufar [non-believer] police, you are not enforcing the Sharia.”
As part of his calls for Sharia law in the United Kingdom, Islam4UK’s Anjem Choudary has been reported calling for the enforcement of bukhas on women in the United Kingdom, stating: “Every woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, would have to wear a traditional burkha and cover everything apart from her face and hands in public.” Choudary’s calls for Sharia in the United Kingdom have also demanded stoning, stating: “In matters to do with the judicial system and the penal code, one male witness is sufficient to counter the testimony of two females. People who commit adultery would be stoned to death.”
On July 24, 2009, the Daily Mail July 24 reported that: “Exhorting Britain’s 1.8 million Muslims to follow his example, Choudary dreams of seeing the black crescent flag, which is the symbol of his organisation, flying over Downing Street, and a draconian form of sharia law imposed across the UK. He wants alcohol banned, amputations for thieves, and adulterers to be stoned to death.” The Daily Mail report quotes Choudary as praising Sharia-based amputations for thieves, with Choudary stating “It is a deterrent. If you steal, you know you will face having your hands and feet cut off.” In March 2009, Choudary was quoted by numerous news services for threatening homosexuals in the United Kingdom with punishment under Sharia law.
The July 24 Daily Mail report also addressed Anjem Choudary’s “road shows” around the United Kingdom to gain followers for his religious extremist ideology, including small children. The Sunday Mercury has also reported on Choudary’s efforts to “convert” small children to his beliefs in the United Kingdom. Choudary has created a “summer school” for Sharia to indoctrinate children, according to reports.
The Daily Mail has pointed out that Choudary “has been secretly taped urging his followers to raise money for Islamic fighters in Afghanistan and Iraq, saying this would help them kill the ‘butchers and cowards’ from the U.S. and Britain.”
In March 2009, reports of Choudary’s call for Britons to raise funds for the “mujahdeen” were documented by the London Times and the Daily Telegraph. According to the London Times: “At one point on the tape Choudary says: ‘People [are] looking for a place for their money to go so they can go to the front line and they can’t find it. You should not think to yourself ‘my money, my money’ . . . you have [an] opportunity to carry da’wah [the spread of Islam] to society . . . and you have money that can go towards the da’wah, you have money that can go towards the mujaheddin.’ ”
The anti-democracy, anti-freedom “Islam4UK” group led by Anjem Choudary uses the black flag of the caliphate (khalifah) in the logo of its web site.
The black flag of the caliphate is also the same symbol used by ANOTHER anti-democracy, anti-freedomrganization HT who also seeks the creation of a global supremacist caliphate. Such organizations have been growing and holding public meetings in the United Kingdom, to the dismay of local residents.
At the July 2009 London meeting of the supremacist HT, it was reported that 2,000 attended. According to the East London Advertiser report on the July 2009 London HT meeting, “the group which calls for Sharia Islamic laws to be recognised is banned in many countries.”
In addition, such groups have been meeting in Canada and the United States. In the United States, such anti-democracy groups have been protested, as they distribute pamphlets calling for the death penalty for those who choose to leave the Islamic religion (page 62) as guilty of “treason.” Despite this, adviser to the U.S. White House Dalia Mogahed recently joined the HT in an interview broadcast in the United Kingdom.