Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights of freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and freedom of worship for ALL people — without exception. We reject protests against houses of worship, and the coast-to-coast protests and attacks on mosques around America.
The Brooklyn Tea Party leader John Press is now seeking government “eminent domain” to block the creation of a mosque in Brooklyn’s Sheepshead Bay area on Voorhies Avenue, according to the Sheepshead Bites newspaper blog.
Sheepshead Bites newspaper reports that Brooklyn Tea Party leader John Press wrote to Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein that: “We request that you also step into this process in any way you can in order to slow down the permit granting process. Perhaps you can publicize that you need to know about the foreign funding, so that we can make sure the developers are complying with the Foreign Agents Registration Act.[xi] Perhaps you can stall by looking into Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino’s suggestion to stop the Ground Zero mega-mosque via eminent domain.”

"Culturist" and Brooklyn Tea Party Leader Dr. John Press Calls for Protests against Mosques in Manhattan and Brooklyn (Photo: Craig Wirga / New York Daily News)
See the rest of the report at Sheepshead Bites newspaper blog.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) has previously reported on the Brooklyn Tea Party protests of the Voorhies Avenue mosque. R.E.A.L has also pointed out how we can disagree with political views of the Muslim American Society (MAS), while still respecting their 1st Amendment and their universal human rights.
At a protest against the planned Brooklyn mosque, Dr. Press defended the comments by a white American woman protester was being interviewed by a black American reporter, with the protester stating “Those people don’t belong here! They ain’t gonna get along with our kids. Did you ever see a Muslim shake an American’s hand? None of them live here and we don’t want them in our community.” Brooklyn Tea Party leader Dr. John Press defended such views in a July 5, 2010 article that he wrote for the “American Thinker,” entitled “Culturists oppose another mosque in Brooklyn.”
Brooklyn Tea Party leader Dr. Press also has told the NY Daily News about his focus on “culturism,” specifically in only defending “a European Judeo-Christian culture.”
We have a right to believe and to worship however we see fit. In America, Amendment 1 to our Constitution is designed to protect freedom of religion. In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), Article 18 states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
… including the Muslim America Society (MAS) and the mosques that they seek to build, whether you like the MAS views and political stances or not.
Despite the anger of those in Brooklyn’s Sheepshead Bay, in America, we have freedom of religion and freedom of worship. To those who seek to harass those seeking to exercise their legitimate right to freedom of worship, and to those in Brooklyn with the despicable calls to seek to “bomb” their mosques, you need to read the Constitution of this country which defends our human rights, which since the beginning of America have been a “declaration,” not a question. Our inalienable human rights are the basis of America’s Declaration of Independence, which defines what it means to be an “American.”
Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.