Asia news media are reporting on the trial of three individuals involved with the firebombing of a Christian church.
Channel News Asia reports that the trial began on July 6 at the Kuala Lumpar sessions court, and the three men were charged with firebombing the Metro Tabernacle church in January 2010. It states that the three men on trial are Raja Muhd Faizal and Raja Muhd Idzham, and Azuwan Sahah Ahmad, and that they have been charged under “436 of the Penal Code for causing mischief with fire.” Catholic Culture and Vatican News are also reporting on this story. The Vatican News states “Fr Lawrence Andrew, Editor of the Catholic weekly Herald, believes that the men on trial did not act alone.”

A Kuala Lumpur police officer inspects the damage to the Metro Tabernacle Church which was destroyed by a fire bomb in the Kuala Lumpur suburb of Desa Melawati,08 Jan 2010 (Photo AP)
See Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)’s January 8, 2010 posting on the initial church firebombings “Malaysian Churchs Firebombed,” as well as follow-up reports on attacks on Malaysia houses of worship, and other posts on Malaysia.
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