In Lahore, Pakistan, two suicide bombers blew themselves up among crowds of worshipers at the shrine to Sufi saint Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore, capital of Punjab province. 43 have been reported killed in this terrorist attack and atrocity against human rights. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) condemns this attack on those seeking to exercise their freedom of religion and freedom of worship, and we support such religious freedoms as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18.
R.E.A.L. urges all people to Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.

Security officials examine the site of suicide bomb attacks at the Saint Syed Ali bin Osman Al-Hajvery shrine, popularly known as Data Ganj Bakhsh in Lahore on July 2, 2010. - Photo by AFP.
Media Reports:
AP / GEO TV VIDEO: CCTV shows Lahore Suicide Bomber at Data Darbar Sufi Shrine
CNN: Pakistan: Muslim Shrine Attacked by Twin Bomb Blasts
— Police say twin bomb blasts at a Sufi shrine in the Pakistani city of Lahore
AFP: Protest strike in Pakistan over shrine bombing
Dawn: Terrorists tear into heart of Lahore
— Media Gallery
Pakistan Daily Times: World shocked by horrific attack – on Sufi Muslim shrine
Times of India: Bloodbath at sufi shrine in Lahore
Times of India: Mosque attacks becoming a trend in ‘divided’ Pak
Daily Telegraph: Pakistan braced for wave of terror after shrine attack
Pakistan Daily Times: Security beefed up at shrines, worship places
Pakistan Daily Times: Shrines in Sindh easy prey for terrorists?
CBS: Taliban Militants Prime Suspects in Triple Pakistan Suicide Bombings
— Pakistan Daily Times: Taliban denies role in Lahore blasts