Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights of freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and freedom of worship for ALL people — without exception. We reject protests against houses of worship, and we reject violence and attacks on houses of worship.
After the recent attacks on a Christian church by anti-church protesters in Indonesia, Muslim leaders have spoken out in defense of freedom of religion and sought to stand in solidarity with Christians for religious freedom.
The Indonesian Jakarta Post reported on the rejection of the violence against the Christian Church by Muslim leaders. In the Jakarta Post report stated that “Hasyim Muzadi from 40-million-strong Islam organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) deplored Tuesday the assault on religious freedom.”

At Interfaith Conference, International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) secretary-general and Nahdlatul Ulama former chairman Hasyim Muzadi (center) Speaks (Photo: JP/Wendra Ajistyatama)
The Indonesian Jakarta Post reported that Indonesia Islamic leader Hasyim Muzadi said: ‘We reserve our rights as citizens to practice our beliefs. No one can forbid us to worship, including the government, let alone our own community,’ Hasyim said during a dialogue between Muslims and Christians at the HKBP Church on Tuesday. Hasyim said that people should differentiate between worship activities and administrative issues such as legal licenses. ‘For administrative matters, let’s leave [licensing] to the congregation and the government,’ he said. ‘[Regarding worship activities], the government should protect followers of any religion so they can perform their rituals without the threat of violence.’ He called on diverse communities in the neighborhood to learn more about religious tolerance. ‘Let’s build together a harmonious inter-religious life,’ he said.”

International Conference of Islamic Scholars (ICIS) secretary-general and Nahdlatul Ulama former chairman Hasyim Muzadi
The Post also reported that “As many as 1,500 members of Solidarity Forum of Interfaith Harmony (FSKUB) staged a rally Sunday in front of the State Palace, expressing their frustration over a series of religious violence recently in related to a construction of a religious house. ‘It is an appropriate expression from a minority group which has been conflicted with a certain public organization,’ the Islamic Liberal Network (JIL) leader Ulil Abshar Abdala told”
Indonesia Muslim Activist Ulil Abshar Abdalla Respects Christian Frustrations in Seeking Religious Freedom (Photo: Wikipedia)
The Post reported that the assembly was “an act of peaceful protest against the state’s silence toward the persecution of religious minorities.”‘
Indonesian Muslims joined the protest with the Indonesian Christians seeking religious freedom, including Muslim legislator Eva Kusuma Sundari.

Indonesia Muslim Legislator Eva Kusuma Sundari Stands in Solidarity with Christians for Religious Freedom (Photo: Facebook)
According to the Jakarta Post, “Legislator Eva Kusuma Sundari, who joined the protest, condemned the government’s lack of action in handling the matter. ‘I urge the President to show his leadership. Authorities, including the police, the Home Ministry and the Religious Affairs Ministry, will follow their leader. And they are the actors who can solve this issue.. The President did not dare act because the Islam Defenders Front [FPI] was formed and nurtured by his seniors in the military. Police were also too scared. This is the last term of his presidency; he should dare to raise his voice to overcome this problem.”
(See other R.E.A.L. postings on Indonesia and on protests against houses of worship around the world.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights, including Article 18 freedom of religion, freedom of worship, and freedom of conscience — for all people – everywhere. We support religious pluralism and tolerance around the world.
R.E.A.L. urges all people to Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.