The Pakistan Christian Congress and other Pakistan human rights activists protested in front of the United Nations Offices in New York City on August 12, 2010 to address the plight of Pakistani Christians as an oppressed minority. Their protest was in recognition of “Minority Day” which was renamed “Black Day” in remembrance of the oppression and atrocities against Pakistani Christians. The protesters also provided copies of petitions to the United Nations delegates calling for UN Secretary General Ban Moon to repeal award refugee status to Pakistani Christians and to urge the Pakistani government to repeal the blasphemy law.
On August 2, 2010 in Washington DC, the Pakistan Christian Congress’ Dr. Nazir Bhatti and speakers from Christian, Muslim, and human rights organizations spoke on the plight of the Christians and religious minorities in Pakistan. The August 2 press conference was a remembrance of the August 1, 2009 Gojra mob attacks against Christian men, women, and children, burning people alive, and burning Christian houses and churches to the ground.
On the August 12 NYC United Nations protest, the Pakistan Christian Post reported that:
“Pakistani Christian invite intervention of United Nations to end their constitutional genocide
New York: August 12, 2010. (PCP) The Pakistani Christian Diaspora in USA staged protest in front of United Nation Offices to observe “Black Day” on killing of Christians and to mark 1st anniversary of Gojra massacre
The protest of “Black Day” was organized by Pakistani Christian Association in North America PCA, Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and The Peace Worldwide which was attended by congregates of different denominations of Pakistani Churches.
The protestors hoisted cards with slogans to end persecution and killing of Christians in Pakistan. The copies of petition were also distributed among different UN delegates to highlight plight of Christians in Pakistan.
The petition to Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of United Nation sought intervention of United Nations to end killing of Christians and to press upon government of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law.
The petition also appealed to Secretary General of United Nations to award Refugee Status to Pakistani Christians on continuous constitutional genocide.
At the end of protest, Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and Mr. James Cyprian went in UNO building and presented petition to officer of Secretary General office.
Here is copy of petition submitted to UNO:
Mr. Ban Ki Moon,
Secretary General, United Nations
New York.
20 million Pakistani Christians observed “Black Day” instead of Minority Day by government of Pakistan on August 11, to demand repeal of blasphemy law and to end killing of Christians.
His Excellency,
We wish to draw your kind attention on rising violence against Christians on pretext to blasphemy law, enforced conversion, kidnap and gang rape of Christian women, vandalism of Churches, desecration of Holy Bibles, attacks on homes of Christians, killing of innocent Christians and destruction of Christian properties in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
The government of Pakistan have failed to ensure justice and to protect life and property of Christian citizens where fundamental Muslims attack and destroy homes of Christians under supervision of administration and walk free after killing them.
On July 31, 2009, thousands of Muslims attacked Gojra Town Christians colony setting on fire more than fifty homes and burning alive 7 Christian children and women in presence of local police but culprit are free mocking justice system of Pakistan. The Muslim mobs attack and destruction of hundreds of homes in village Korian and Bahminwala in Punjab province of Pakistan where culprits have been also protected and saved by administration to walk unpunished.
The arrests of Christians under blasphemy law have been doubled in present regime and incident of killing of Two Christian Brothers on July 19, 2010, in broad day light in District Courts of Faisalabad during hearing in blasphemy case is total failure of administration to protect life of Christians in Pakistan.
20 million Pakistani Christian have no voice in democratic institutions of Pakistan when Islamic parties are selecting their representation on reserved seats for minorities in parliament and using them as tool to mislead international community on situation of Christians in Pakistan. We have been deprived of our right to elect our representatives and turned to be second class citizens in Pakistan. Therefore, Pakistani Christians demand right of election of their representative proportional to population in parliament instead of selection by Muslim groups.
We appeal your honor to press upon government of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law and to adopt necessary measures to protect life and property of Christians in Pakistan.
The thousands of Christians from Punjab province are fleeing to other cities on incidents of violence and arrests under blasphemy have forced them to take refuge in safe places. We also appeal your honor to award Refugee Status to Pakistani Christians that they may take refuge in other countries when they do not have equal basic democratic rights in Pakistan and treated as second class citizen.
Thanking you.
1. Nazir S Bhatti,
President, Pakistan Christian Congress PCC
Editor, Pakistan Christian Post PCP
2. William Shahzad
Chairman, Pakistani Christian Association in North America PCA
3. James Cyprian
The Peace Worldwide
Dated: August 12, 2010.
New York.”
On August 11, 2010, in other parts of the world, Pakistanis also recognized “Black Day.”

Pakistan - August 11, 2010: Black Day in Pakistan: Lahore: Christian marched in Lahore, Pakistan to demand repeal of blasphemy law. AssitNews Photo

UK - London: August 11, 2010: Pakistani Christian Diaspora observed "Black Day" instead of Minority Day to demand repeal of blasphemy law and end to atrocities against Christians in Pakistan: Photo Aap Ki Awaz Show by Taskeen Khan

UK - London, August 11, 2010: Black Day-2: App Ki Awaz with Taskeen Khan Show: Pakistani Christian in UK protest against atrocities on Christian in Pakistan: Photo Christian Social link UK

UK - Black Day-2 observed by Pakistani Christian Diaspora in UK, with protest in front of Pakistan High Commission in London on August 11: Photo by Christian Social Link UK
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