Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights of freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and freedom of worship for ALL people — without exception. We reject protests against houses of worship, and we reject violence and attacks on houses of worship.
Yewangoe Andreas (Andrew Yewangoe), Chairman of the Indonesian Communion of Churches (PGI), recently spoke in support of religious freedom and freedom of worship for people of all faiths in an interview with BBC Indonesia. In the interview, Yewangoe Andreas condemned an assault on a Christian church in West Java and efforts to deny others freedom of religion and worship. Furthermore, in the translated interview, the Christian leader states that those who seek to deny freedom of religion and freedom of worship for all people do not respect that nation’s Constitution.

BBC's Heyder Affan spoke with Chairman of PGI Andreas Yewangoe, the end of July in Jakarta (Photo: BBC)
An English translation from a BBC Indonesia report states:
“Government crackdown against violators of the rights of freedom of worship is the key to stop the attack places of worship, such beliefs Chairman Indonesian Communion of Churches, PGI, the Reverend Andrew Yewangoe. In a BBC interview to show people of Indonesia, the Reverend Andrew Yewangoe said his heart was always disturbed each rights violations that happened to freedom of religious worship. Andreas Yewangoe, 65 years, responding deeply assault case of a church in Bekasi, West Java, recently, which he termed as an example of indecisiveness local government officials. “And when there is a conflict (between people of different religions) is addressed with a less strict measures, it actually indirectly, the government rather not appreciate that freedom,” he asserted. According to the old priest who engaged in the activities of this inter-religious dialogue, local government officials should be able to find a way out when there is a case involving the rights of freedom of worship of this run. ‘Not just for Christians, but in other places if there are Muslims or Hindus, Buddhists into trouble. They must facilitate and find a way out if there is a problem,’ said Nobel degree in theology at the Vrije University, Amsterdam, 1987. Andreas was born in West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara, the worry if problems like this allowed to affect the authority of the state. ‘And when this church attacks continue to occur, it is not impossible state authority would be undermined by these groups,’ he explained. In latest developments, PGI has been reported this church attack the problem to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, after he felt the report previous cases are not taken seriously by the authorities under it.
In the English translation of the BBC Indonesia interview, the Christian leader does not blame Islam for the conflict, stating:
“Although the group that attacked the church in Bekasi cited using the attributes of Islam, Andreas denied if the case of Islamic-Christian confrontation. ‘We do not want this happening as if the conflict between Christians and non-Christians,’ said Petronella Lejloh husband, this. According to his reasoning, the relationship between Muslims and Christians has been almost no problems. ‘What then is the problem, is when other aspects of entry, such as political or economic aspects,’ said the father of two children who claimed to have a Muslim family. Instead, he referred to the perpetrator’s right to religious freedom as ‘a person lacking respect for the constitution’ or ‘does not respect the constitution.’ This he made clear repeatedly since the rights of religious freedom in Indonesia has been secured and protected by the Constitution of 1945.”
“As supreme leader of the organization Fellowship of Churches of Indonesia, PGI, which collects about 80 percent of Protestants in Indonesia, Andreas claimed to have established communication with leaders of other religious organizations. ‘Not only limited dialogue, but also personal relations with leaders of intimate enough Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Muhammadiyah, and other Islamic organizations,’ he said.”
Responsible for Equality and Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our universal human rights to freedom of religion, freedom of worship, and freedom of conscience for all people of all faiths, including the freedom of religion supported under Article 1 of the United States Constitution. Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
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