Carolyn Cook, founder and CEO of United for Equality, spoke at the National Press Club in Washington DC on December 8, as part of a Human Rights Day Event, calling for a renewed commitment by Americans in support of the Constitutional rights for all American women, as part of our global human rights goals. United for Equality is a social justice enterprise seeking the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) by 2015.
United for Equality has the symbol of the three women, symbolizing the three waves that it has taken for women to struggle for equality in America. Carolyn stated that we must change the way people think and what we tolerate in our culture regarding the rights and dignity of our fellow Americans and fellow human beings. Carolyn spoke out against the discrimination and the efforts to deny full equality to women in America, in every aspect of their lives. She stated that we need to take our system back and make it ours.
Carolyn Cook stated that United for Equality’s coalition successfully introduced a bill to the 112the session of the United States Congress calling for Congress to remove the time limit on the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.), as the United States previously had the ratification of the E.R.A. in 35 states, and it requires ratification in 38 states and by 2/3s of the House and Senate. She pointed out how previous U.S. government officials sought to halt the efforts to ratify the E.R.A. after 10 years when nearly all of the required states but 3 had ratified this Constitutional Amendment, and pointed out that women have no desire to “start over” the ratification of the E.R.A.
Carolyn Cook also spoke on the importance of human rights activists to work together in our common causes of universal human rights for women, men, and children, and people of all identity groups. She also spoke of learning from other activist groups, and identifying how we can grow as human rights activists, by first identifying where we are on the paradigm of activism and learning how we can reach further as individuals committed to human rights and social justice.
Carolyn Cook also spoke on the paradigm of options we have as activists and participants in defending human rights. Carolyn urged a more holistic approach towards addressing human rights as lifelong causes. She discussed lessons learned from the Occupy movement and other social activist efforts to bring change to the world. Her discussion on lessons from the Occupy movement are detailed in the YouTube video of her speech beginning at 6:36 minutes in on Part 1 and continuing and concluding in Part 2 of her remarks.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) stands united with our good friends in United for Equality and all American women seeking the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and both Constitutional and social justice for women in America.

Carolyn Cook, CEO and Founder of United for Equality, Speaks on Behalf of American Women's Constitutional Rights - on Human Rights Day 2011 Event
The video and audio of her full speech can be seen on YouTube, which is in two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.