Reports on Chinese Communist Party’s organ harvesting horror targeting Falun Gong prisoners in Chinese concentration camps indicate that the recent murder by Gu Kailai was the result of efforts to cover-up an international conspiracy by those involved in organ harvesting. United Nations investigators and other human rights activists have been attempting to reveal the atrocities in Chinese concentration camps, involving killing of prisoners and horrific reports of live organ harvesting of prisoners.

Gu Kailai (L), wife of the ousted Bo Xilai (R). The Epoch Times recently learned that Gu killed British businessman Neil Heywood because he had revealed information about organ harvesting in which he, Gu, and Bo were all involved. (New Epoch Weekly Photo Archive)
Gu Kailai is the wife of a former leader in the CCP, Bo Xilai. On March 15, 2012, Bo Xilai was dismissed from his Politburo post in the CCP. The major news media has reported on Gu Kailai’s conviction of the murder British businessman Neil Heywood. However, Chinese human rights activists also have obtained additional information for context on the motive behind this crime.
The recent Epoch Times report states a motive for Gu Kailai’s murder of Neil Heywood was his knowledge and “revealing information about organ harvesting,” stating “[r]evealing [h]er and Bo Xilai’s organ harvesting crimes led to Heywood’s murder.”
The Epoch Times report states that:
“The murdered British businessman Neil Heywood knew too much– and apparently talked about what he knew. That, according to a source familiar with the matter, was the motive for his being killed. Heywood’s involvement with former Chinese Communist Party heavyweight Bo Xilai and Bo’s wife Gu Kailai was far more extensive than has previously been reported. It apparently included profiting with them from the atrocity of forced live organ harvesting and from allegedly trading in dead bodies. It also involved his assisting them in plans for a coup. Heywood was found poisoned to death in the Lucky Holiday Hotel in the central-western megalopolis of Chongqing on Nov. 14, 2011. On April 10, Gu Kailai and her employee Zhang Xiaojun were reportedly in custody as suspects in the murder. Gu was originally described by state-run media as having murdered Heywood due to disagreements about financial matters. On July 25, in its first comment on the matter since April, the regime mouthpiece Xinhua elaborated on this motive: as a result of the disagreements over business matters, it was said Gu feared Heywood would harm her son, Bo Guagua, and so decided to murder the British businessman.”
“Allegedly Heywood was involved with Bo and Gu in the business of organ harvesting in Liaoning, according to The Epoch Times’ source, and this is what sealed his death warrant. Heywood had begun leaking information about their involvement in this atrocity. Heywood was also allegedly involved in the trade of dead human bodies. Beginning in 2000, two factories opened in Dalian that preserved human bodies for exhibition purposes. In 2003, ‘The Oriental Outlook Magazine,’ an affiliate of state mouthpiece Xinhua, reported that in 2003 China had already become the country exporting the largest number of human corpses, and that one of the companies in Dalian City was the largest human body mummification factory in the world. Earlier this year, The Epoch Times obtained reliable information from Dalian City that the vast majority of bodies made available to the mummification factories were murdered Falun Gong practitioners.”
R.E.A.L. has also previously reported on one of the Dalian factories, known as the Von Hagens Plastination (Dalian) Co., Ltd., managed by German Dr. Gunther Von Hagens. The Taipei Times raised concerns on this in 2004. In 2008 and 2009 when these mummification exhibits of bodies were displayed in the U.S., R.E.A.L, ABC News, the Sydney Morning Herald, and others, raised concerns that these were from murdered prisoners.
In April 2012, Beijing police reportedly detained a reporter Wang Xijing (a reporter at 21st Century Business Herald), and two other reporters who had been sharing a text message “that is related to the Bo Xilai and Neil Heywood investigation cases.” China Uncensored has a related report on Bo Xilai and organ harvesting. In February 2012, Epoch Times provided another report on organ harvesting atrocities, Bo Xilai, and former director of the public security bureau Wang Lijun. According to the February 2012 report, Wang Liju was aware of “several thousand intensive on-site transplants.”
In addition, the UK Guardian is reporting that the CCP does not want an investigation into Bo Xilai, because reporting “[s]ome think that is because any hint of a connection between a leader and a murder would sully the reputation of the party as a whole.”
Link on NDTV and Video Report on Live Organ Harvesting and Audio of Eyewitness

Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) Calls for the CCP and All Chinese Doctors to Reject the CCP Demands for Organ Harvesting on Chinese Prisoners, End Such Killings for Organs and Atrocities, and to End the Crimes Against Humanity Perpetuated against Falun Gong Practitioners (Photo: NDTV file photo)
The atrocities have previously been reported in a series of reports by human rights investigators and the United Nations:
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) has repeatedly reported on CCP atrocities in Communist concentration camps and throughout the country of 1.2 billion people. In Washington D.C., on July 13, 2012, victims of such Communist atrocities, including survivors who were once imprisoned in Communist concentration camps, told their stories of torture and the murder of others. Another woman spoke of her family arrested by the Communists and sent to such a prison camp. The Chinese people have been protesting in the United States of America and protesting in Taiwan to release the political prisoners of the CCP among Falun Gong and others, and they seek an end to this oppression of their people. (July 13, photo album of Washington D.C. protest)

July 13, 2012 - Washington, D.C. - Thousands of Falun Gong Members Rally for Freedom and Human Rights - Seeking Freedom from the Chinese Communist Party

August 7, 2012 - Taipei, Taiwan: Seeking release of prisoner Chung Ding-Pan - a young boy and his sister stand with placards as they join Falun Gong members and sympathizers gather in Taipei (Photo: Reuters)
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) calls for Universal Human Rights of human freedom, human dignity,and human safety for all of the Chinese people, and an end to the CCP’s oppression of the Falun Gong, Chinese Christians, Uighur Muslims, and all other Chinese people.
We call upon the people of the world to educate themselves, speak out, and demand action from their governmental leaders and world power leaders to use their full power, and economic and global influence, to demand that the CCP halt these crimes against humanity against the Falun Gong and the Chinese people.
Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.