Wade Michael Page, the terrorist killer behind the mass murder attack on a Sikh temple on August 4, 2012, was also one of the organizing coordinators of a white supremacist hate group concert in Richmond, Virginia on March 17, 2012. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) has investigated his white supremacist associations, and we have identified national and international contacts who have been involved with this white supremacist terrorists. On behalf of the safety of our fellow human beings, we are making the information in this investigation public, so that our public understands the importance of continuing to challenge ideologies of hate and violence in America or anywhere in the world – that would deny our Universal Human Rights of freedom, dignity, life, and safety to innocent individuals.
(Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) regrets the disturbing images and content from the terrorist Wade Page and other white supremacist web sites. We find the images revolting and disturbing, but we believe the public safety is served by being aware of the magnitude of the white supremacist terrorist threat.)
The March 17, 2012 Richmond, VA concert organized by terrorist Wade Michael Page featured one of his bands, called “Definite Hate,” as well as other white supremacist musical bands including “Open Season Australia” (Australia), “Chaos 88” (New Jersey), Landsknecht (Germany), “FucFace88” (Florida). Terrorist Wade Michael Page stated that his “Definite Hate” band was based out of North Carolina; Wade Page had previously been stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, while in the U.S. Army.
The terrorist Wade Page assisted a white supremacist group, called the Confederate Hammerskins (CHS), in organizing the event. Most of the information regarding the CHS events are maintained behind a wall of secrecy to their members. But a web cache of certain files led to discovery of communications and context on how the Confederate Hammerskins and their associated white supremacists organized such white supremacist hate concerts. (We have captured these in a PDF file.) The CHS logo as shown in the image below, is seen in other concerts promoted by terrorist Wade Page.

Confederate Hammerskins (CHS) Organization Sponsoring Richmond, VA White Supremacist Concert Coordinated by Terrorist Wade Page (Photo: CHS Web Site Screen Shot)
The background on the CHS event organization shows that the flier promoting the event was created by someone with the screen name “End Apathy,” undoubtedly himself; “End Apathy” was the other band that Wade Michael Page led. “End Apathy” used Internet tool “Photo Bucket” to control and distribute the final event brochure, and the CHS communications show how this was approach was used to ensure secrecy of white supremacist concert planning. “End Apathy” distributed their first flier for the Richmond, VA concert on October 7, 2011.

Terrorist Wade Page's "End Apathy" Developed Flier for Richmond, VA White Supremacist Concert (Photo: Screen Shot CHS Cache)

Terrorist Wade Michael Page's Concert Promotional Flier for His White Supremacist Group "Definite Hate" and Other Bands - Performing March 17, 2012 in Richmond, VA - Sponsored by the Confederate Hammerskins (CHS) (Photo: CHS Web Cache)

Stormfront.org Screen Capture -- Terrorist Wade Michael Page Promoted His Band "Definite Hate" March 17, 2012 Concert in Richmond Using the Name of His Other Band "End Apathy" Gathering - Using the Stormfront White Supremacist Group's Web Site
Terrorist Wade Page continued to maintain the PhotoBucket web site, but deleted all images except for a similar concert with CHS in August 7, 2010 in North Carolina – the same CHS logo is visible in the upper left hand of that concert, which featured both of the terrorist Page’s hate bands “Definite Hate” and “End Apathy,” as well as a group called “13 Knots”. The event was also promoted by the white supremacist Label 56 group.

Terrorist Wade Page's August 7, 2010 Promotion for a CHS Hate Concert in North Carolina (Photo: EndApathy PhotoBucket)
The white supremacist Confederate Hammerskins (CHS) group has chapters in Texas, the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee, as well as an international presence in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, France, Hungary, and Switzerland. The white supremacist network that Terrorist Wade Page had access to was an international network. The ADL has reported that the Hammerskin group was founded in Dallas, Texas in the 1980s.
On its website, the CHS states on their web site that a “founding member of CHS was jailed for aggravated assault and a Federal Grand Jury was convened to investigate the actions of skinheads in the Dallas area,” which has led the CHS white supremacists to view that they are oppressed by an “anti-white justice system.”
During January 2012, CHS and event organizers received concerns about finding hotel rooms in Richmond that we be acceptable to the white supremacist sensitivities. Specifically, multiple white supremacist used the CHS secret “Forum 38” posts to ask for the organizers to find rooms that would not be in “middle N***erville” (racial slur).
For the March 17, 2012 Richmond, VA concert, interested attendees used secret “Forum 38” managed by the CHS to exchange messages. The concert was held in Richmond, VA near Willis Road in Richmond. By March 12, 2012, the CHS white supremacist organization was advising white supremacist concert attendees to use one of three “nearby” hotels in Richmond:
— VIP Inn, 2301 Willis Road, Richmond, VA 23237
— Country Inn & Suites, 2401 Willis Road, Richmond, VA 23237
— Americas Best Value Inn, 2126 Willis Road, Richmond, VA 23237

March 12, 2012 - CHS Supporters Had List of Richmond, VA Hotels Near White Supremacist Concert Where Terrorist Wade Page's Band Played (Photo: CHS Web Cache Screen Shot)
The final instructions to CHS concert attendees went out via PhotoBucket from the “EndApathy” account (name of terrorist Wade Page’s other band) also on March 12, 2012.

March 12, 2012 - "End Apathy" - Name of One of Terrorist Wade Page's Bands Send Out Final Instructions by PhotoBucket - Terrorist Wade Page says that Concert will be a "Killer Event" (Photo: Screen Shot CHS Web Cache)
During the CHS communications, it was clear that the white supremacist attendees attracted to this concert were coming from the West Coast and all throughout the United States, as well as individuals traveling from around the world to this Richmond, VA concert to hear the Terrorist Wade Page’s white supremacist musical band “Definite Hate” and other white supremacist bands.
One Richmond, VA concert attendee JoCoRebel wrote “Anybody needing to make some face time get out there and do it, this is your chance to meet the soldiers for a future of our race!”
On March 16, 2012, the day before the white supremacist CHS concert, one CHS coordinator called “Vanilla Gorilla” provided the white supremacists with a telephone contact number to call for their final instructions. This was uncovered in another web cache area of CHS white supremacist forum messages. (PDF version)

CHS Richmond Concert - March 16, 2012 - CHS Co-Organizer "Vanilla Gorilla" Advises White Supremacists as to Final Contact to Coordinate their Secret White Supremacist Concert (Photo: Another CHS Web Cache Screen Shot)
After the March 17, 2012 Richmond, VA white supremacist Confederate Hammerskin concert, various attendees used the same secret CHS forum to praise efforts from “new prospects” (chilling thought), and to praise Adolf Hitler. The attendees claim to include an individual who claims to be “Amish,” as well. (I have not posted the parts of this where attendees use terms referencing vulgar racial slurs as part of their after concert “thanks.”)

March 18, 2012 - After Richmond, VA Concert is Over - White Supremacists Thank Sponsoring Group Confederate Hammerskins (CHS) and Salute Adolf Hitler (Screen Shot: CHS Web Cache)
Follow-Up Media Reports of Concerts in Chesterfield, VA (Richmond suburb)
Based on additional investigation by two news teams WTVR and WBTV, it also appears that the Richmond, VA concert white supremacist concert was held in the Chesterfield, VA suburb of Richmond, at an indoor, windowless concrete facility managed by the Mid-Cities Civic Association. Previous concerts turned 100-150 attendees. One rental agent said that she saw the attendees giving a “Heil Hitler” salute.
The Mid-Cities Civic Association’s indoor facility was located at 9010 Quinnford Blvd, North Chesterfield/Bellwood, Virginia 23237
After WTVR television broadcasta story on Tuesday linking the terrorist’s use of the Mid-Cities Civic Association rental hall, Association President Nick Curry told WTVR “we don’t approve of it and we won’t rent to them again.”
Wade Michael Page and Music of Hate
Terrorist Wade Michael Page’s bands are promoted by Antipathy Records, which continues to sell the terrorist’s music to impact the thinking of other impressionable young minds, to persuade them to accept Wade Michael Page’s vision of racial hatred. They sell two different albums, “Definite Hate Violent Victory” and “End Apathy – Self Destruct” and “Definite Hate – Madder than hell.” They praise the latter album by “Definite Hate,” which was the white supremacist musical group that appeared at the Richmond, VA concert, and which is described by “Antipathy Records” as “After 13 years the Southern Hate still smashes like a HAMMER. 1. Madder than hell, Meaner than s**t 2. Enforcer 3. Unstoppable 4. Violent Victory 5. Infected World 6. Chosen Few 7. I’m the One 8. Indefinite Hatred 9. Bonecrusher 10. Cop Calling C**t 11. Backbone 12. All for One 13. Souls of Heroes.”
The gruesome images on the terrorist’s albums clearly communicated his hatred for others, especially the image on the first album, Definite Hate – Violent Victory, which shows a white individual bludgeoning a black individual with a chain. The cover of this white supremacist hate group album clearly demonstrates that goal to promote violence, as does the second “Definite Hate” album with a blood-covered axe used by a white supremacist.
There is no doubt that it was precisely this type of call for RACIAL VIOLENCE that was being promoted by the Terrorist Wade Page’s Definite Hate group during the CHS concert in Richmond, Virginia, which was also co-organized by CHS individuals in Richmond.
The question for the Richmond community should be – how will they address this ongoing racial hatred in Richmond that led to members of its community cheering for the hate of a white supremacist band which last weekend resulted in murder on people of a minority group?
This is indeed, the question for the entire nation and the world.
What we cannot afford to do – is IGNORE the problem of racial supremacism and hatred.
We urge all to respect our fellow human beings as equal citizens in the world, with the same liberties, same equality, same dignity, same safety, and same human rights that we would seek to enjoy. Such commitment to being responsible for equality and liberty – is a fundamental aspect of the American identity – indeed they represent the Truths we hold self-evident. Around the world, such rights are codified in the Universal Human Rights developed after the defeat of the insane and murderous reign of Adolf Hitler, who many in these white supremacist and Neo-Nazi groups seek to emulate. We must continue to challenge and reject such hatred on an active and vigilant basis. In addition, we must also set standards for ourselves and other not to respond to hate with hate, but to offer our hope to guide the misguided into a place of respect for human decency and human rights.
We urge all to
Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.
Be Responsible for Equality And Liberty.