White supremacist “hate group” Stormfront supporters continue to defend to murders of 6 Sikhs in Wisconsin by Wade Michael Page, whose white supremacist bands and ideology were promoted on the Stormfront web site.
White supremacist Wade Michael Page may have pulled the trigger, but hate groups provide the ammunition of hate in their minds.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) previously reported on the comments by Stormfront supporters praising the killing of 6 Sikhs and the Stormfront “chief-in-staff” “Jack Boot” claiming that “they’re asking for it.”
On August 6, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) reports on new comments by a Stormfront supporter saying that “They would all still be alive if they had just stayed in India where they belong. Should’ve stayed in India.” (Screen shot captured of Stormfront remarks).

Stormfront white supremacist group supporter defends terrorist murder by Wade Michael Page against Sikhs (Photo: Stormfront.org screenshot) - R.E.A.L. Urges All to Choose Love, Not Hate
This same Stormfront supporter wrote about Sikhs how he “hates them,” and called for them to go to their own country.
Another Stormfront supporter stated how he didn’t care if the murdered victims were Sikhs or Muslims, “It doesn’t matter what religion they are trash is trash,” and he called the murdered victims as “Casualties of War.”

Dehumanizing Stormfront white supremacist group supporter calls all Sikhs "trash" (Photo: Stormfront.org screenshot) - R.E.A.L. Urges All to Choose Love, Not Hate
Another Stormfront supporter provides more context of the mentality of the white supremacist organization, indicating the only thing that he regrets is that “the White guy got killed.”
“Just, please, stop the goodwill crap and how we adore Sikhs and all. It’s not going to gain us PR goody-points. Too late for that. But we can’t live with one ear always cocked toward the mean-mouthed SPLC and jew-owned media. F**k’em.
The only thing I’m sorry about is that the White guy got killed.” (Screen shot)
The Stormfront supporter praises the terrorist as “One guy who maybe just had enough… lost all his cool and took direct action.”

Stormfront white supremacist group supporter comments on terrorist attack by Wade Michael Page - "only thing I'm sorry about is that the White guy got killed" (Photo: Stormfront.org screenshot) - R.E.A.L. Urges All to Choose Love, Not Hate
Another Stormfront supporter warns that “the tsunami of brown bodies has got to stop,” while he gives praise to the other Stormfront supporter who defines Wade Michael Page’s terrorism as “direct action.”

Stormfront support praises racist who calls terrorism "direct action" and demands that "tsunami of brown bodies has got to stop" - (Photo: Stormfront.org screenshot) - R.E.A.L. Urges All to Choose Love, Not Hate
Another Stormfront supporter does not condemn the Wade Michael Page’s terrorist attack, but views it as a “white” “uprising,” stating “I am actually surprised it has taken this long for people just rise up. Especially white males who are working class….”

Stormfront supporter praises terrorist attack "I am actually surprised it has taken this long for people just (to) rise up" - (Photo: Stormfront.org screenshot) - R.E.A.L. Urges All to Choose Love, Not Hate"
Florida media have also been reporting on Stormfront’s links to terrorist Wade Michael Page, including the Palm Beach Post report, WPTV news report, and WTSP news report
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports the Universal Human Rights for all people including freedom of religion, conscience, dignity, and safety. We reject those views that promote hatred against individuals due to their identity group. The views of white supremacist groups such as the Stormfront supporters demonstrate their rejection not only of such Universal Human Rights, but also of fundamental American principles and Constitutional law.
The calls for violence, praise of terrorism, and promotion of racial and religious hatred is what we have continued to see at the Stormfront organization, based out of West Palm Beach, Florida, where the hate group leaders also have a regular radio show on a local WBPR AM network.
The day of the terrorist killings of 6 Sikhs, we have also seen remarks praising the killings by a Stormfront supporter praising and supporting the killings, stating”finally a man who got some nerve, how this non violent crap been working for all u guys who are slamming this guy, spread all the propaganda u want, the message isnt getting out, this is how points are made.” The Stormfront “hate group” moderator “Jack Boot” originally removed the post and then reposted it. Another Stormfront supporter shared the despair of other white supremacists that were upset about Sikhs in Wisconsin, stating with a “sad face,” that in addition to Sikhs in New Jersey, they also had “jews and muslims, etc., etc.”. R.E.A.L. has captured a screen shot of the Stormfront supporter’s praise of the terrorist attack.

August 5, 2012: Screen Capture of Stormfront "Hate Group" Supporters Praising Terrorist Attack in Wisconsin Against Sikh Temple -- Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) continues to challenge the views of discrimination and hatred by such Stormfront and other racial extremist, bigoted organizations, and we urge them to Choose Love, Not Hate - Love Wins.
Stormfront Editor and Chief of Staff Jack Boot, also defended keeping the posting up about praising the terrorist attack on the Sikhs stating “they’re asking for it.” Regarding the Stormfront supporter praising the terrorist killer that attacked the Sikh temple, “Jack Boot” states “I don’t hold his sentiments against him. He’s far, far from the only one, of any race or creed, thinking in these terms. And others have pointed out that, regardless of the details that may emerge, strife is inevitable under a regime enforcing multiculturalism. Christ, they’re asking for it.” R.E.A.L. has captured a screen shot of the Stormfront “chief of staff” comments on this as well.
The point here is, even knowing the severity of the mass murder, this “Stormfront Chief of Staff” could NOT bring himself to condemn someone praising MURDER, and calling for more MURDER – and instead blames a multicultural society – stating “they’re asking for it.” That is the message to remember regarding extremist hate groups like Stormfront and the threat they pose to public safety.

August 5, 2012: Screen Capture of Stormfront "Hate Group" "Chief of Staff" on Wisconsin Against Sikh Temple, Saying "They're Asking for It" -- Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) continues to challenge the views of discrimination and hatred by such Stormfront and other racial extremist, bigoted organizations, and we urge them to Choose Love, Not Hate - Love Wins.
These are not the only calls and praise for terrorism within Stormfront.
As R.E.A.L. has previously posted, Stormfront has a long history of promoting racial hate and its supporters have been involved with and promoted terrorism. We have documented a number of such cases.
— Daniel Cowart – Stormfront supporter and terrorist plotter – pled guilty in 2010 to a terrorist plot to kill 88 African Americans and Barack Obama – he also shot up a black church
— Richard Poplawski – Stormfront supporter and murderer of police officers – on November 28, 2008 Poplawki post on StormFront read: “I’ve been a longtime lurker on Stormfront, and I see myself probably ramping up the activism in the near future,” then murdered three Pittsburgh police officers and wounded two others in April 2009
— Pentagon Terrorist John Patrick Bedell – Stormfront supporters praised John Patrick Bedell’s terrorist efforts at the Pentagon on March 4, 2010 – wounding two police officers
— Texas Terrorist Joseph Stack – Stormfront supporters praised Joseph Stack’s terrorist attack on the Austin, Texas IRS building on February 18, 2010, killing African American Vernon Hunter, who was an IRS employee and a Vietnam veteran.
— Washington DC Terrorist James Von Brunn – attacked the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC on June 10, 2009 – in January 2010, Stormfront supporters eulogized the death of terrorist James Von Brunn who had murdered security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns – Stormfront supporters praised his terrorist attack and called for others to “to hate with violent passion”
To those who believe that Stormfront is merely a group of “harmless” extremists, the cost of being silent to those promoting dangerous hate can be the cost of lives of innocent Americans.

Stormfront Member Daniel Cowart with Swastika Tattoo and Rifle - Guilty of Terrorist Plot to Kill 88 African Americans and Barack Obama (Photo: Inquister)

Stormfront Supporter Richard Poplawski - Saw "Zionist Occupation" Conspiracy - Murdered Pittsburgh Police Officers Paul Sciullo, Stephen Mayhle, and Officer Eric G. Kelly (and wounded two other police) in April 2009 (Photo: KDKA)

Wisconsin White Supremacist Terrorist Wade Michael Page - Whose White Supremacist Band "End Apathy" Was Promoted on Stormfront Web Sites - and Who Appeared to Be a Stormfront Poster (Photo: FBI)
Who is NEXT?
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) supports our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge Nazi, white supremacist, and “white nationalist” supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights.
We urge all to Choose love, not hate. Love wins.