White supremacist Stormfront supporters continue to support and praise the August 5, 2012 terrorist killings by fellow Stormfront supporter Wade Michael Page. The ongoing rants by white supremacists debating the Page’s terrorist killings, includes further praise by a Stormfront white supremacist who called the terrorist attack as “more like an act of homeland defense,” and praised the terrorist actions as “[a] native son shot some aliens who are destroying something precious and irreplaceable.”
Regarding Wade Page’s terrorist murders, the Stormfront supporter “wunndrin” states “This one was not ‘wanton’, it was directed. And I’m glad some of this mud rabble got a report back from the White people, for that’s how they’ll see it, because they KNOW whose country this really is.” The Stormfront supporter views the killings as preceding a “large ‘SHTF race war’ or reclamation of White homelands – maybe our only chance of salvation…”

Stormfront White Supremacists: Further Praise for Fellow White Supremacist and Terrorist Killer Wade Michael Page (Photo: Stormfront Web Site Screen Shot)

White Supremacist Terrorist and Stormfront Poster/Supporter Wade Michael Page - Wearing Shirt with Stormfront "World Wide Pride" Logo - Wade Page Murdered Six Sikhs in a Wisconsin Temple on August 5, 2012
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) rejects the hate and praise of violence by the white supremacist Stormfront supporters, and urges the Stormfront members and supporters to renounce their white supremacist views and to respect the universal human rights, dignity, safety, liberty, and equality of people of all races, ethnic groups, religions, sex, sexual orientation, and other identity groups.
We urge all to Choose Love, Not Hate – Love Wins.