On April 13, 2014, a Nazi / Confederate white supremacist terrorist killed three Christians in Kansas City suburb of Overland Park, Kansas, including a 14 year old boy, Reat Griffin Underwood, his grandfather Dr. William Lewis Corporon, and another woman Terri LeManno. The terrorist attack was made against the Jewish Community Center (JCC) and area retirement community in Overland Park.

Victims of Nazi Terrorist Attack: 14 Year-Old Reat Griffin Underwood, his grandfather Dr. William Lewis Corporon, and another woman Terri LeManno
Shootings occurred both outside the Jewish Community Center and outside a retirement home, Village Shalom, nearby, both located in Overland Park, Kansas. The victims of the Jewish Community Center shooting were identified as Dr. William Lewis Corporon and his grandson, 14-year-old Reat Griffin Underwood. Both were United Methodist Christians. A 53-year-old woman, Terri LaManno, of Kansas City was killed at the parking lot of Village Shalom, where her mother resides. LaManno was also a Christian who attended St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Several others had been shot at, including one person who was Jewish, but escaped without wounds. Miller was found later outside an elementary school nearby and was immediately declared a suspect. Authorities told reporters that Miller had shouted “Heil Hitler” numerous times during shooting and arrest.
The terrorist murdered a 14-year old boy Reat Griffin Underwood and his grandfather Dr. William Lewis Corporon in the parking lot in front of the Overland Park JCC. They were shot in the center’s parking lot in the truck his grandfather was driving. CNN reported that “the 14-year-old high school freshman was dressed up in a coat, tie and hat on Sunday — ready to belt out songs for an audition that he hoped would win him a scholarship. Tryouts for KC Superstar, an “American Idol”-style contest for the best high school singer in the Kansas City area, brought him to the Jewish Community Center.” This boy’s only goal was to sing, but the terrorist silenced his voice forever. You can watch as this child sang the Star Spangled Banner of America, singing of the “Home of the Brave.”
The terrorist murdered Terri LaManno, while she was visiting to help care for her elderly mother in Kansas City. Terri was an occupational therapist at Children’s Center for the Visually Impaired (CCVI) for eight years. She was visiting her elderly mother at the Village Shalom as she did every Sunday. She left behind three children, after her murder by the Kansas City Nazi / Confederate white supremacist terrorist shouted “Heil Hitler,” after he was arrested.
The Nazi Terrorist, Frazier Glenn Cross, also known as Frazier Glenn Miller, from Springfield, Missouri was a former leader in the Ku Klux Klan. Miller’s introduction to white racialist politics was a copy of The Thunderbolt, published by Dr. Edward Fields of the National States’ Rights Party, and given to him by his father. Miller was present as a member the National Socialist Party of America during the Greensboro massacre on November 3, 1979.
SPLC provides this update on his criminal background: “Frazier Glenn Miller, also known as Frazier Glenn Cross, is the former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he founded and ran in the 1980s before being sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center for operating an illegal paramilitary organization and using intimidation tactics against African Americans. After subsequently forming another Klan group, the White Patriot Party, he was found in criminal contempt and sentenced to six months in prison for violating the court settlement. He went underground while his conviction was under appeal but was caught by the FBI with a weapons cache in Missouri. He served three years in federal prison after being indicted on weapons charges and for plotting robberies and the assassination of SPLC founder Morris Dees. As part of a plea bargain, testified against other Klan leaders in a 1988 sedition trial. On April 13, 2014, Miller was arrested in the shooting deaths of three people at a Jewish community center and nearby retirement community in Overland Park, Kansas. In 1986, Miller was convicted on a federal contempt of court charge after violating the terms of a consent order that settled a lawsuit filed against him and his Klan group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. He was sentenced to a year in prison, with six months suspended. However, he disappeared while out on bond awaiting an appeal and was later caught in Missouri along with four other Klansmen and a cache of weapons. In 1987, he pleaded guilty to a weapons charge and to mailing a threat through the mail. He had been indicted along with four other white supremacists for conspiring to acquire stolen military weapons, and for planning robberies and the assassination of SPLC founder Morris Dees. In an agreement with federal prosecutors, he received a five-year prison sentence in exchange for his testimony against 14 white supremacist leaders in a sedition trial. He served three years of that sentence.”
Frazier Glenn Miller, 73, of Aurora, Mo., was arrested today for the murder of three people at two separate Jewish Community Centers in Overland Park, Kan. Miller, who was arrested using the alias Frazier Glenn Cross, has been in the movement nearly his entire life. Miller is the former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which he founded and ran in the 1980s before being sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for operating an illegal paramilitary organization and using intimidation tactics against African Americans.
After subsequently forming another Klan group, the White Patriot Party, he was found in criminal contempt and sentenced to six months in prison for violating the court settlement. He went underground while his conviction was under appeal but was caught by the FBI with a weapons cache in Missouri. He served three years in federal prison after being indicted on weapons charges and for plotting robberies and the assassination of SPLC founder Morris Dees. As part of a plea bargain, Miller testified against other Klan leaders in a 1988 sedition trial.
Miller is a raging anti-Semite who has posted more than 12,000 times on Vanguard News Network (VNN), whose slogan is “No Jews, Just Right.” VNN founder Alex Linder has openly advocated “exterminating” Jews since December 2009. Miller, a close partner to Linder, has called Jews “swarthy, hairy, bow-legged, beady-eyed, parasitic midgets.” Miller is also one of VNN’s largest donors and he printed and distributed thousands of copies of VNN’s newsletter, The Aryan Alternative.
Another more detailed overview of the Frazier Glenn Miller / Cross is available on the SPLC site.
On October 17, 2014, the separate charge for first-degree murder was dismissed and all three deaths were included in a single capital murder count. Miller also is charged with three counts of attempted first-degree murder for allegedly shooting at three other people. On December 18, 2014, he was found competent to stand trial, and prosecutors announced they are seeking the death penalty against him. He is also facing a potential federal hate-crimes prosecution.
On August 4, 2015 , SPLC provided a report on recordings by the terrorist admitting to the murders.
Audio recordings posted to Vanguard News Network highlight Frazier Glenn Miller’s angry confession. Two audio files of phone calls taped in October 2014 between Frazier Glenn Miller and neo-Nazi National Alliance member Kevin Alfred Strom were posted to the hate forum Vanguard News Network. In the audio, posted yesterday, Miller claims to be afraid he will be gagged and barred from taking credit for the murder of three individuals during a shooting spree at Jewish Community Centers in Overland Park, Kan., on April 13, 2014. Miller is facing the death penalty for the shooting. Miller says unequivocally on the first recording, “I confess” to the shootings. “Why did I do it? Because my conscience compelled me to kill Jews…And I feel perfectly justified.” Miller speaks of having become “Jew-wise” in 1967 and wanting to kill Jews before he died. “My biggest fear is that I would die before I killed Jews,” he said. In the two phone calls, Miller explains that two weeks prior to the shootings he went to the emergency room ill with emphysema and that is “what spurred” him to engage in the shootings. He details his surveillance of the two Jewish centers and the actions he took the day of the shootings. The audio is graphic, describing the murders in detail as well as why Miller chose not to shoot one person who said she was not Jewish. Miller, who killed three people who were not Jewish, including a young boy and his grandfather, also says he has no regrets about those he murdered. He blames the victims for having been at a Jewish institution and being “accomplices of the Jews … they are our enemies.” Miller adds that if whites are going to help Jews or interact with Jews, “They are going to have to face the consequences.” He also states that after the killings he had “never felt such exhilaration. It was overpowering.” The recordings were posted to VNN by the site’s owner, Alex Linder, also a committed anti-Semite. An email to Linder asking why he chose to post the audio went unanswered. Miller’s phone calls were arranged by Will Williams, the head of the neo-Nazi National Alliance and a longtime Miller defender. On the recordings, Kevin Strom, who serves as Williams’ main propagandist and blogger, comforts Miller, saying “may the burdens be lifted from your soul even further.” Strom also expresses some concern that the calls may violate his parole status and asks Miller to communicate directly with Williams about disseminating his confession. Strom was convicted of possession of child pornography in 2008 and remains on parole. Here are the two audio recordings for those who would like to listen. Please be forewarned that they are quite disturbing. Recording 1 Recording 2
A Johnson County judge issued a stern warning Wednesday to the man accused of killing three people last spring at the Jewish Community Center and Village Shalom. “The jury needs to be able to consider evidence and not be able to tainted by your theatrics or outbursts,” Judge Thomas Kelly Ryan told Frazier Glenn Cross Jr. “There is a time and place for you to make your statements – within reason.” Cross, an avowed anti-Semite, immediately asked the judge to clarify when he’d be able to speak freely. “When you are under oath and subject to cross examination,” Ryan replied. But, Cross wanted to know, would he be able to say “sieg heil” and make a Nazi salute to the jury? Doing so earlier had gotten Cross ejected from the courtroom for a long recess. No, Ryan said. “Can I say ‘sieg heil’ before the jury comes in?” Cross pressed. “No, not at any time in this courtroom,” Ryan replied. Ryan wasn’t the only one Cross clashed with Thursday. He also yelled at a deputy sheriff and the head of his legal team. Cross is representing himself, but three death penalty experts are ready to jump in if needed. That possibility seems increasingly likely, with Ryan warning Cross he’d be removed from the courtroom and forced to watch the proceedings on video if he couldn’t control himself. Also Wednesday, Ryan turned down a request for a change of venue and clarified jury selection procedures for the trial phase, set to begin Aug. 17. The man accused of killing three people last spring at the Jewish Community Center and Village Shalom continued his pattern of frequent outbursts in court Wednesday morning. It’s the final pre-trial conference for Frazier Glenn Cross Jr., an avowed anti-Semite who also uses the name Miller. Wheeled into the courtroom, he called, “sieg heil,” the salute of the Nazi party. Judge Thomas Kelly Ryan told Cross that type of behavior in front of a jury that could cause a mistrial. “It’s German for ‘hail victory,’” Cross insisted. “It’s ‘good morning.’ How is that derogatory?” “When you start arguing me when the jury is seated, you’ll cause a mistrial,” Ryan replied. “If that’s the case, it’ll go forward without you.” Cross again accused Ryan of being a Freemason and trying to curtail his freedom of speech. He began shouting that he earned his First Amendment rights while serving as a Green Beret in Vietnam. Ryan abruptly called for a recess. Jury selection will begin Aug. 17. More than 800 Johnson County residents are in the potential pool for a trial that could take up to six week