On August 17, 2014, Ferguson protesters were met with tear gas and tactical units, including one of the protesters shot and critically wounded. The Governor of Missouri called in the National Guard to restore order.
On August 19, 2014, NBC reported of a dangerous situation when protesters “surged forward and back as the officers held their ground. An armored vehicle began moving toward the crowd, and as clergymen and other community leaders locked arms to hold the protesters back, the crowd appeared to retreat about 10 p.m. (11 p.m. ET).”

August 19, 2014: “Police advancing on crowd. Guns drawn. Media ordered to stay in taped off area” (Source: Twitter/Eli Rosenberg)
Responsible for Equality And Liberty stands with the public seeking equality for the treatment of African-Americans in Ferguson, MO, and throughout the nation. We urge the public to reject tactics of violence, we urge our police to respect the Constitution of the United States, and we applaud the efforts by peaceful protesters in trying to keep the situation under control. They are the TRUE human rights activists in this nation – responsible for equality and liberty.