German and European media are reporting on a new terrorist attack against our universal human rights of freedom of speech. This latest attack was against the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper in Hamburg, Germany, which last week had republished some of the cartoons from the French magazine Charlie Hebdo. The terrorist attack happened in the very early Sunday morning hours on January 11, 2015, with an “incendiary device” thrown into the building as well rocks smashing basement windows of the building. It is reported that this was believed to be a “Molotov cocktail.” Newspaper files have been burned, but reportedly no one was harmed.
Acccording to the Hamburger Morgenpost, “two men (35 and 39) had behaved suspiciously in the area , have been arrested , according to police.” The Morgenpost also reports that “‘There is no knowledge, no claim of responsibility or other evidence,’ police spokeswoman Karina Sadowsky said this morning.” They are seeking those with information to contact the police in Hamburg, Germany at: 42 865 67 89. We must stand with the Hamburger Morgenpost in defense of our shared universal human rights.

Germany: Terror Firebomb Attack on Hamburger Morgenpost - after publishing Charlie Hebdo cartoons - charred remains of German newspaper stock - (Source: Marius Röer)
The terrorist campaign against a free press, free speech, and our universal human rights must never be allowed to win. We must continue to defy such terrorists and their extremist ideologies which reject our shared universal human rights.
We call for all of our fellow human beings to defy such hate and violence, and be responsible for equality and liberty.