The notorious extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir is planning an anti-women’s rights event on March 28, 2015 to promote the concept that women should be denied equality as part of our shared universal human rights, and that legal and human rights efforts for gender equality are wrong. The Hizb ut-Tahrir (HuT) extremist group’s press release for their anti-women’s rights event mocks International Women’s Day (March 8) and denounces gender equality as a universal human right.

Extremist Group Hizb ut-Tahrir Rejects Universal Human Rights for Women and Gender Equality (Source: HT YouTube Video)
The HuT extremist group has been notorious for its calls to deny human equality, religious freedom, and to publicly call for the death penalty for those who it considers “apostates” from Islam. HuT has been promoting a video for this conference, where it calls for the end of gender equality and seeks to define its own version of humanity’s universal human rights where gender equality is not a part of our shared universal human rights.
The HuT organization is headquartered in London, United Kingdom, and claims to have supporters in 50 countries with a million members. Like ISIS, the HuT organization’s goals are to create a multiple nation “caliphate,” where the only law would be their extremist interpretation of theocratic law, denying shared human rights.
The extremist HuT organization seeks to rationalize its call to reject democracy and human rights based on its interpretation of Islam and Sharia law, but it fails to note the reference to “Sharia law” in the Qur’an (sura 45:18) merely calls for the pursuit of “the right path,” not a call to subjugate women. Interpretations of this reject the spirit of Islam and unquestioningly reject our shared universal human rights.
The HuT March 28 event calling for a denial of gender equality as a universal human right will include UK HuT national women’s officer Nazreen Nawaz, who has appeared on UK television shows to promote the HuT extremist ideology. Her 2009 appearance was shared by White House advisor Dalia Mogahed, as per our report on this. The adviser did not challenge HuT’s extremist views.
HuT seeks to promote its own version of violent jihad, and has a history of association with violent individuals. A recent video of HuT cleric Ismail al-Wahwah making vile anti-Semitic comments demonizing Jewish people and claiming that they will “pay with blood” has been revealed by the news media.
Australian terrorist Man Haron Monis, has reportedly been associated with HuT, and had a front-row seat at a HuT event, after their talk “Honor Killings are Morally Justified” was canceled. Monis’ attack and hostage taking of the public at a Lindt chocolate shop, led to two dead hostages, Ms. Katrina Dawson and Mr. Tori Johnson. Monis also pledged allegiance to the ISIS group during his terrorist attack .

Lindt Terror Attack: Bae Jieun Flees from Terrorist Man Horan Monis who Supported Hizb ut-Tahrir (Source: AFP)
CAGE research director, Asim Qureshi, who has referred to ISIS killer Mohammed Emwazi as a “beautiful young man” also has been active in HuT events in front of the U.S. embassy in London, calling for violent jihad.

Hizb ut-Tahrir London Event: Asim Qureshi calling for jihad in front of U.S. Embassy (Source: YouTube)
Counterterrorist research organizations have reported that HuT has developed an armed wing called “Harakat ul-Muhojirinfi Britaniya,” and news media have reported concerns that HuT’s involvement in Southeast Asia could lead to greater extremist terrorism than that of ISIS.
R.E.A.L. has repeatedly protested the anti-human rights and anti-democracy efforts of the HuT extremist group, including R.E.A.L. demonstrations in Chicago and in R.E.A.L. demonstrations in Washington, D.C.
We challenge the violent and anti-human rights message of the HuT, which is demonstrated in its images such as a beheaded statue of liberty. This provides a graphic representation of their rejection to equality and liberty for women.
R.E.A.L. leaders have publicly witnessed the efforts of HuT to call for the death of those who religious views that disagreed with in HuT America documents being distributed at a HuT America (HTA) conference in a Chicago suburb. R.E.A.L. also witnessed the role of women in HuT, assigned to remain in the back of the conference room and delegated to be the inferior to their male counterparts.

Hizb ut-Tahrir America event – can’t see the women in the back? That was the POINT – this is the reality HuT truly seeks for women
R.E.A.L. believes our struggle with extremist groups of every kind — who reject our equality and dignity of women and men, of all religions, of all races, of all ethnic groups, of all sexual orientation, and of all identity groups – begins with an uncompromising and unequivocal position on the equality and human rights for all human beings. We believe that without such a position on these rights, and especially women’s rights, that we are not only losing the struggle of ideas against such extremist groups, we are surrendering that struggle.
The women of the world deserve our support and our defense of the human rights to decide whatever choice they may make – as long as it is their choice – not someone else’s dictate.
Women’s Rights are Human Rights. Gender Equality is Human Equality. These are and will be essential parts of our universal human rights, everywhere, and for every woman.