Terror Group ISIS Urges Baltimore Protesters to “Join Them”

"Khilafah Justice" - ISIS's Version of "Police Authority" - Shootings, Beheading, Whipping - they are "equal rights" they kill anyone who is not their faith, they torture anyone who does not submit to their bullying

The failure of the American justice community in the Baltimore death of Freddie Gray is being exploited by the terror group ISIS. According to the Daily Express, the terror group ISIS is trying to “recruit angry Baltimore rioters by promising them a ‘racially equal society’.” “It is not the first time the extremists have attempted to tempt disaffected black Americans to join them.”

ISIS Khilafah Police in Parts of Iraq Oppressing the Public (Source: AP)

ISIS Khilafah Police in Parts of Iraq Oppressing the Public (Source: AP)

Let’s not forget the real face of Khilafah”justice” by ISIS: whippings, murder, beheadings, shooting, burning to death anyone with a different faith, and anyone who dares to seek freedom of speech.

"Khilafah Justice" from ISIS - Murdering Blacks

“Khilafah Justice” from ISIS – Murdering Blacks

Let’s not forget that blacks, women, gays and religious minorities are the number one target of ISIS’s Khilafah “justice” to murder, torture, and mutilate.

"Khilafah Justice" - ISIS's Version of "Police Authority" - Shootings, Beheading, Whipping - they are "equal rights" they kill anyone who is not their faith, they torture anyone who does not submit to their bullying

“Khilafah Justice” – ISIS’s Version of “Police Authority” – Shootings, Beheading, Whipping – they are “equal rights” they kill anyone who is not their faith, they torture anyone who does not submit to their bullying

More Khilafah "Justice" by ISIS in Beheading Execution by Khilafah Religious Police "Hisbah"

More Khilafah “Justice” by ISIS in Beheading Execution by Khilafah Religious Police “Hisbah”

It would be like Adolf Hitler claiming he was for black civil rights, while he was conducting the Holocaust of men, women, and children of every nationality, who murdered, sterilized, and tortured black human beings.

The failure of the American justice community in Baltimore and other major cities is a disgrace to the great United States of America.

But because we are democracy and because we respect democratic values, our shared American representative government gives all of us a voice to work together to change these problems and to see that extremists in law enforcement who abuse their authority are punished to the full extent of the law.

It is not good enough. It is not fast enough. It shouldn’t be an issue that we discuss in the first place. But a democracy gives ALL of us a place to work together to end injustices for anyone, anywhere. A choice to support another form of government which rejects democracy is not solution, it is simply making a bad situation worse.

Ask our friends in Darfur.


Sudan: Teenage girl whipped in the street. Her crime? Wearing pants.

To those extremists in law enforcement, I hope you understand that this is a reminder of the consequences of your obscene actions. Extremists’ contempt for for African-Americans, for the American people, and for the Constitution of the United States is used by the enemies of freedom. Extremist behavior helps embolden our enemies, and  extremist behavior directly threatens our national homeland security.

To extremists in law enforcement, understand that YOU have become the number one recruiter for terrorist groups such as ISIS. This is the damage you do.

To the good men and women in law enforcement, this is why you must WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP ALREADY, and find your voice. You must denounce extremists in the ranks of law enforcement whose only accomplishment is to undermine trust for all in the justice community, and whose actions are a direct attack on the Constitution of the United States, which you swore an oath to defend and support.