Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) denounces the human rights violation and blatant abuse of an extremist against children, in the aftermath of altercations at a pool party in McKinney, Texas, on June 5, 2015. We have learned of extremist police brutality against children outside of a swimming pool, including an extremist police officer pulling a gun on other children, after he was assaulting a child, dragging her by the hair, and pushing her face into the ground. We have seen the video of the despicable violence against African American children by an extremist within the McKinney police department, and we call for the justice community to take action on this assault against our children.
WE NEED YOUR ACTION. We call for American citizens, human rights activists, and especially responsible members of our law enforcement community to contact McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley (telephone: 972-547-2700; email: and Assistant Chief Joe Ellenburg (telephone: 972-547-2737; email: to demand that they take action TODAY to arrest extremist Police Patrol Supervisor Corporal David Eric Casebolt for his armed assault and threats against these children. (See more below).
This immediate conflict started at a swimming pool party at a mostly white neighborhood’s Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas. It was intended to be an end of school celebration, with a number of guests invited to the swimming pool on guest passes. Apparently some of the residents at the Craig Ranch North Community reportedly were upset about the pool guests, which were mostly non-white. The dispute reportedly centered over whether the African American and Hispanic guests at the pool were entitled to their guest status.
Miles Jai Thomas told the Huffington Post that the guests were upset about when a pool security officer started “making up rules” to force the non-white guests to leave. He also told the Huffington Post that “[b]efore officers arrived on the scene, a white woman had started making racist comments, telling black party goers to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see. When one of the white teens at the party talked back to the adult, the woman began cursing and yelling at her as well.”
After the pool guests reportedly did not want to leave, the McKinney Police Department ordered nine (9) police vehicles to the area, sending twelve (12) police officers to a dispute at a swimming pool.
Instead of restoring “public order,” the extreme action by the McKinney Police Department had the predictable reaction of taking a minor situation and letting it get out of control. As the heavy-handed reaction created predictable frustration, one extremist in the police force decided to act out and assault our nation’s children.
From YouTube, we have seen the video of this assault by an extremist against a 14 year-old African American child. It is despicable. An extremist in the McKinney Police Department, identified as Officer David Eric Casebolt, who is white, chose to take an extreme response to the mostly African-American children who did not like the heavy-handed police response.
In the YouTube video, we see extremist Eric Casebolt grabbing children and assaulting them. Extremist Eric Casebolt grabs a 14-year old girl by her hair and violently throws the child to the ground. The extremist then tries to force the child’s face onto the ground and the sidewalk. As the collective children shout about his activity, extremist Eric Casebolt then withdraws his police-issued gun and pulls it out, aiming it at unarmed African-American children while he chases them. One girl, wearing a shirt with an American flag, screams as she watches the badge-wearing extremist chase unarmed African-American children with a gun.
As the other African-American children run for their lives, the extremist returns to the unarmed child in the swim suit (clearly with no weapon and no threat), with his gun drawn, then he holsters it so that he can grab the child’s body with both hands, drags her by the hair, forces her face into the ground, as she cried for her mother.
The extremist David Eric Casebolt then kneels on top of her body, while he points at the other children, threatening that they will be next.
Eric Casebolt does this to a 14-year old CHILD.
I am sure there are many millions of patriotic American men who would like to educate extremist David Eric Casebolt on our view of cowardly grown men who beat up little girls. But certainly, our justice community must speak for us and communicate our values of justice to extremist David Eric Casebolt.
When this is tolerated we must ask once again, what country we are living in? Surely, this is NOT the United States of America. Our justice community must act swiftly and severely to such criminal extremists who commit such cowardly violence against our children. Accountability of law enforcement is not some “gift” to the American people; it is the minimal expectation that we must demand to preserve any hope for law and order in this great nation.
American patriots no doubt wonder what happened to the other eleven (11) police officers who were dispatched to the swimming pool altercation. Were they all incapable of restraining extremist David Eric Casebolt from such actions? Or were all of those grown men too afraid to keep David Eric Casebolt from assaulting children? I wonder how many of the other McKinney police, or any of our fellow law enforcement, would have such casual restraint (or fear) if David Eric Casebolt was dragging YOUR CHILD by the hair and assaulting YOUR DAUGHTER like that.
I can imagine what the millions of American fathers reading this are thinking about in terms of consequences if David Eric Casebolt had ever taken such cowardly actions against their daughter or their children. David Eric Casebolt needs to learn this too, and he needs to learn it from the swift and severe acts of our justice system.
Like all patriotic Americans and civilized people, Responsible for Equality And Liberty is astounded at this offense. R.E.A.L. asks the McKinney Police Department: why isn’t extremist David Eric Casebolt arrested for his assault on these children? We need our federal government to act and stem the tide of such violence by extremists in our nation, and ensure that extremists know there will be consequences for their actions.
We have learned from BuzzFeed that McKinney Chief of Police Greg Conley held a press conference today (June 7, 2015) stating that he is “committed a complete and thorough investigation of this incident,” and that an officer was “placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.”

McKinney Police Chief Greg Conley asks public to have “patience” for a “thorough investigation” of Eric Casebolt’s public assault on children
It is perfectly evident for the nation and world to see what happened. There were plenty of witnesses, and McKinney Police Chief Conley’s call for “patience” for a “thorough investigation” is what we have heard too many times, and come to learn mostly represents the code words for “stall tactics.”
This is absurd, Police Chief Conley, and it is insult to responsible individuals in law enforcement, and it is yet another disgrace to the great United States of America. Any other American who publicly assaulted a child like this and threatened children with a gun would be in handcuffs, right now, today.
R.E.A.L. calls for our fellow human rights activists to denounce the failure of the McKinney Police Department to arrest Officer David Eric Casebolt today, right now, for his assault on these children. We don’t want to hear about administrative suspensions, lawsuits, or the other “alternatives.” The American people and the eyes of the world expect JUSTICE from our justice community, not beating our children in the street, and not excuses and stall tactics when we see it right in front of our nations’ eyes.
Most importantly, we call for those in the justice community to find their voice and their conscience on these matters. Our justice community should be at the forefront in denouncing such violence against our citizens, and calling for swift and severe consequences for those extremists who betray the trust the American people put in our police.
The blue line needs to stand together, not in denial, but in defense of the people and the Constitution it has vowed to serve and protect.
The words “out of control” are what patriotic Americans are stating to themselves as they continue to hear about what disgrace after another. In some communities, we have started to see action. In South Carolina, Michael Slager was arrested for murder. In Baltimore, the six who arrested Freddie Gray and left him with a broken neck and spine have been arrested for charges from murder to assault. This is what the American people expect, and most of all, this is what the justice community MUST SHOW.
Another video of yet another out-of-control extremist wearing a badge from the public, must be dealt with swiftly and severely by the justice community. Our justice system, like our government, is not “their” system; it is “our” system. This is why, in many parts of the nation, we have the power to make citizen’s arrests in extreme circumstances. The law is law – not just for some – but for all.
R.E.A.L. calls for the immediate ARREST of extremist Officer David Eric Casebolt for his public assault of children and his threat to kill other children. Such extremist violence is a threat to public safety, and that is what is what law enforcement is really about – protecting the public and their human rights.
His wild and reckless actions were nothing less than an armed assault on unarmed children. His extremist violent actions must not be accepted as representing law enforcement in the United States of America in ANY form, and must be recognized for the criminal behavior it represents.
There must be ACCOUNTABILITY for these actions. Another slap on the wrist will only further alienate the American public from many, many good, hard-working people in law enforcement, who this extremist does not represent. Our friends in blue need to find their voice. And SOON.
When extremists wearing a badge of our justice system believe they can beat CHILDREN in public with impunity, we must demand consequences for such human rights violators – everywhere and all of the time. Wrong is wrong – no exceptions.
If we defend our shared universal human rights, that means EVERYONE, including our good friends in law enforcement, who need to remember that they too are… Responsible for Equality And Liberty.
McKinney Police Department
2200 Taylor Burk Dr.
McKinney, TX 75071
McKinney Chief of Police – Greg Conley
Telephone: 972-547-2700
McKinney Assistant Chief of Police – Field Operations – Joe Ellenburg
Telephone: 972-547-2737
McKinney Deputy Chief of Police – Field Operations – Patrol Division – Jody Morse
Telephone: 972-547-2777
McKinney Assistant Chief of Police – Support Services – Randy Roland
Telephone: 972-547-2713
McKinney Police Sergeant – Internal Affairs – Randy Agan
Email: ;
Telephone: 972-547-2711
McKinney Deputy Chief – Criminal Investigations – Scott Brewer
Telephone: 972-547-2705
McKinney Police Deputy Chief – Professional Standards – Kim Lee
Telephone: 972-547-2755
Extremist David Eric Casebolt has been in other news, recently regarding an FAA Airman Certification, and the Dallas Morning News reported that David Eric Casebolt was an instructor trainee with Executive Self-Defense and Fitness Training in McKinney, TX. Casebolt’s photo had been removed from the company website. R.E.A.L. contacted this company, and was told they had “no comment.” The Dallas Morning News also reported that extremist David Eric Casebolt served in the U.S. Navy from 1993 to 2000. The DMN reported that “He also served in the U.S. Navy as a member of the military police from 2000 to 2003 and an operations specialist from 1993 until 2000.” Media have also reported on extremist links on videos online by David Eric Casebolt.
R.E.A.L. has also learned that extremist David Eric Casebolt was an officer in the McKinney Police Union Fraternal Order of Police (Lodge # 107). Once again, R.E.A.L. sees police unions associated with extremist behavior, as we have reported about in New York City and Baltimore. David Eric Casebolt was listed as the “Second Vice President” in the McKinney Police Union, which is led by Union President Dale Malenfant ( The McKinney Police Union has since taken down its Facebook site to conceal this association, but there has been no comment or statement by the McKinney Police Union on the actions by its apparently former “Second Vice President” in his attack on children. In the meantime, caches of the McKinney Police Union membership list online has shown a replacement of the “Second Vice President” position to “vacant” and then now filled by “Michael Best,” with their board of directors.
The McKinney Police Union states that its values are: “Equality, Fairness and Integrity,” and that “Law is the Safeguard of Freedom.” R.E.A.L. has contacted the McKinney Police Union to get a comment on their position on whether the assault by their union officer David Eric Casebolt on these children represents the values and freedoms they are safeguarding.
R.E.A.L. will update this with any statement we receive from the McKinney FOP police union on this matter.
June 9, 2015 Update: Extremist David Eric Casebolt resigned “on his own will” while under investigation and will get to keep his pension and benefits. His lawyer, Jane Bishkin (also an attorney for the Texas FOP police union), announced his resignation in a statement at 5 PM on June 9. R.E.A.L. calls for charges against the extremist for his violence against our children.