Yet another police union defends extremist behavior as Americans protest the un-Constitutional behavior by an extremist in law enforcement, this time in McKinney, Texas. As previously reported by Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.), extremist David Eric Casebolt was a leader in the McKinney Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge # 107 union as a “Second Vice President.” The Texas FOP is also supporting David Eric Casebolt, and his attorney Jane Bishkin is a participating attorney for the Texas FOP.
After David Eric Casebolt’s (June 5, 2015) assault on a 14 year-old child and pulling his gun on unarmed children, the McKinney FOP police union took their Facebook page offline, concealing David Eric Casebolt’s leadership role in the police union. On the FOP’s web page, they made the position “vacant,” and they hurriedly appointed Michael Best into the position.
On June 9, 2015, the McKinney Police Union President Daniel Malenfant issued a statement defending the violence by David Eric Casebolt as necessary to deal with “trespassing,” “vandalism and active fighting.” Union leader also promised “to provide any assistance necessary to the officer involved and his family.” The McKinney Police Union denied that the harassment and assault on African-American children was racist, stating “without a shadow of doubt that all members of the McKinney FOP and McKinney PD do not conduct racially biased policing.”
The McKinney Police Union also rationalized extremist David Eric Casebolt’s vulgarity against children, stating: “the use of profanity during high stress incidents may occur when attempting to gain control of unruly subjects who are not complying with officer’s commands.” (A reminder to the McKinney Police Union, the American people are not your “subjects.”)

McKinney Texas Police Union Regarding Police Union Leader and Extremist Casebolt’s Attack on African-American Children: “Not a Racially Motivated Incident” – Profanity Understandable when Dealing with “Unruly Subjects”
The McKinney Police Union also stated that “certain details of this incident are being inaccurately broadcasted by media outlets to the public in the McKinney area and across the nation. The subjects involved were a mixture of teens and adults who were trespassing not in a community pool but a private property pool regulated and maintained by this particular Home Owners Association. Vandalism and active fighting was reported in the same area involving this group of teens and adults.”
While the McKinney Police Union may be hiding its Facebook page, the McKinney Police Union does not have the power to remove the YouTube video of this incident, where the public can clearly see with their own eyes what happened.
While the McKinney police stalled in their “investigation,” David Eric Casebolt had the opportunity to “resign from the police force instead. WFAA reports that “Casebolt’s resignation was confirmed Tuesday by attorney Jane Bishkin.” Jane Bishkin is not only David Eric Casebolt’s attorney, but also she is the participating attorney for the Texas Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), which includes the McKinney FOP #107 Police Union.
WFAA also reported how the 14-year old child’s head was SLAMMED into the ground, as can be seen in a second video by teenager Jahda Bakari.
The full text of the McKinney Police Union Statement is as follows:
“On 6/6/15, the McKinney Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #107 was informed by a member that he had been involved in an incident which resulted in him being placed immediately on administrative leave status.
“The McKinney FOP has not been able to fully examine all of the video and reports surrounding this incident. The McKinney FOP assures that this was not a racially motivated incident and can say without a shadow of doubt that all members of the McKinney FOP and McKinney PD do not conduct racially biased policing. The McKinney FOP does not condone professional officers cursing at juveniles or any citizen during routine calls for service. The use of profanity by officers diminishes the professional image which is expected. With that said, the use of profanity during high stress incidents may occur when attempting to gain control of unruly subjects who are not complying with officer’s commands.”
“Information is being provided to the McKinney FOP that certain details of this incident are being inaccurately broadcasted by media outlets to the public in the McKinney area and across the nation. The subjects involved were a mixture of teens and adults who were trespassing not in a community pool but a private property pool regulated and maintained by this particular Home Owners Association. Vandalism and active fighting was reported in the same area involving this group of teens and adults.”
“The McKinney FOP urges all citizens who are intending on coming to this community wanting to take part in any protests or demonstrations to do so peacefully. The McKinney FOP is also urging the public to allow the McKinney PD investigators to conduct their investigation. The McKinney FOP believes that the McKinney PD will conduct a thorough investigation and will take every piece of information into consideration. We continue to urge all citizens exercising their 1st Amendment Rights regarding this incident to do so peacefully.
“The McKinney FOP is working closely with the Texas State FOP Lodge to provide any assistance necessary to the officer involved and his family.
“If more information is discovered, the McKinney FOP will ensure it is disseminated accordingly.”
Responsible for Equality And Liberty continues to challenge police unions to shake off their torpor and reverse the damaging course that a pattern of contempt and denial on police abuses has done to this country, our Constitution, and our homeland security.