Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) has new information on the support of Confederate terrorism by Stormfront members; the Stormfront group was founded by former Confederate Alabama Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Don Black.
Members of the Confederate white supremacist Stormfront group have been praising Confederate terrorist Dylann Roof who murdered 9 people at the Emmanuel AME Church, and they now mock church burnings across the country. Terrorist Dylann Roof has had both support among members of the white supremacist community, as well as defense for his twisted ideology of racial hate among members of pro-Confederate groups such as Stormfront. Dylann Roof was known to be an active poster for the Daily Stormer website, providing streaming radio links to the Confederate white supremacist Stormfront’s radio program.

Former Ku Klux Klan Leader Don Black’s Confederate Stormfront Group Members Praise Terrorism by Confederate Terrorist Dylann Roof – Killing 9 African-Americans
R.E.A.L has reported on the Confederate Stormfront hate group for years, including its members’ ties to terrorism in the United States of America. Many of the Stormfront members have logos with Confederate flag symbols and imagery, with some identifying their locations as within the “Confederate States of America (C.S.A.)”. Terrorists attacking the United States of America have come from within the Confederate Stormfront group, including known active Stormfront members Daniel Cowart, Wade Michael Page, and Richard Poplawski. Stormfront members have also praised a rogue’s list of terrorists attacking America, including white supremacist Paul Schlesselmann, white supremacist James Von Brunn, as well as terrorists Joseph Stack and Joseph Patrick Bedell – both of which attacked U.S. federal government buildings.
The increasing support for terrorist figures among members in the Confederate white supremacist group has come within the past five years. We call for the U.S. federal government to treat this growing public support for terrorism with the same attention it would give any other group with members active and promoting terrorist attacks on this nation. While the Stormfront members comments are offensive (we never mention the worst), it is important for Americans to know what values such Confederate white supremacists espouse and why we must reject their symbols of hate and racism.
Stormfront members praised Confederate terrorist Dylann Roof as a “soldier,” “young warrior,” and the “warrior class” needed for their white supremacist cause, with “100% Truth in what he says,” and stating that “this is a racial war… for the future of our entire white race.” Another Stormfront member writes that “white supremacists sign up for military to train for race war.” Regarding Roof’s terror attack, a Confederate Stormfront member states: “if we will not defend our own White Children, then who will?” A Stormfront member writes: “we will never have peace as long as there are Africans among us.”
Stormfront members excited by Dylann Roof’s terrorist activity have called for a “race war,” calling for war on “hateful African savages,” and justifying Dylann Roof’s terrorist attack because “blacks are fighting a race war against innocent white folks,” and pleased “that a white boy fought back.” Regarding Dylann Roof’s terrorist attack, another Confederate Stormfront member praises it as “resistance,” stating that “Resistance is the key. Resistance at all levels.”
Another Stormfront member defended the idea of such a terrorist race war and asked, “How did Roof act any differently from how a government in the same situation would act in reply?”
Yet another Stormfront member writes “Dylann Roof is just going to be the first of many…there will be a new Dylann Roof every week.” Others praise him stating “Dylann Storm Roof is the man,” and “he is ahead of his time.”
Stormfront members ask “When will it be acceptable to fight back?,” defending Dylann Roof’s terrorist murders of African-Americans at the Emmanuel AME Church as “Sometimes in war there are casualties.”
Another Stormfront member stated “When they don’t allow people to speak their minds, they will sometimes speak with their hands.” A Stormfront member writes: “A black African is not a White Man, they are something else entire; pretending that ‘we are all the same’ is just a denial of reality.”
Stormfront members cheered on his attack because “the pot needed stirring” and that the response to his terrorism is “making our cause stronger.” Another Stormfront member praised the attack as inspiring recruitment for their racist cause, stating “I guarantee that we have gained a lot of attention from other White people who are fed up.”
Stormfront members also called for racists to go out and buy guns stating, “For White Nationalists owning a gun is more than a right. It’s a responsibility. If you don’t own one, now is the time, before prices go up and stock starts dwindling.” Stormfront members also state “anyone white who does not have a license to carry a handgun needs to get one.”
Stormfront members are particularly disappointed with women who denounced Dylann Roof’s terrorist activity, with one Stormfront member stating: “It shames me how many white people, in particular women, stand on the side of the liberal and betray their own race and their own heritage.”
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) has repeatedly reported on the history of the white supremacist, pro-Confederate Stormfront group and its support for terrorist actions against the United States of America. If such volunteer human rights activists can readily obtain such information, we urge those in our federal law enforcement and counterterrorism organizations to make statements on such support for terrorism in our country. We also urge the American and world media to identify such sources of terrorist support, and find impossible to that the world media does not have the resources to investigate and report on this human rights issue.
R.E.A.L. has reported on the history of Stormfront’s support for other terrorist individuals including Stormfront supporter Daniel Cowart, who along with fellow Confederate Paul Schlesselman attacked the Allen Baptist Church in Brownsville, Tennessee and also targeted an attack on 102 Christians in the Beech Grove Church of Christ in Tennessee, as a means of plotting mass-murder terrorism against African-American Christians. They also plotted an assassination plot against Barack Obama. As reported by CBS News, Stormfront forum writer and terrorist Daniel Cowart used the Confederate message board to get advice on guns and weapons.
R.E.A.L. has reported on Stormfront supporter and terrorist Wade Michael Page, who was not only a supporter of Stormfront, but also wore one of Stormfront’s “White Pride World Wide” shirts. Wade Michael Page committed terrorist murder of 6 Sikhs in Wisconsin. Terrorist Wade Michael Page was part of a Confederate musical band, End Apathy, which was promoted on Stormfront with Confederate imagery for performances in Richmond, Virginia and other locations in the South. His terrorist attack was repeatedly praised by members of the Stormfront forum who applauded his terrorist act stating“finally a man whos got some nerve,” with the Stormfront editor and chief of staff defending the terrorism as “they’re asking for it” and calling for action in the “out and out war of crime being waged against us by the negroes.”
R.E.A.L has also reported on Stormfront supporter and terrorist Richard Poplawski in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who used the Stormfront forum to praise white supremacy and attack racial minorities. On Stormfront, the white supremacist terrorist also bragged and talked about his automatic weapons, which he used in an attack to murder Pittsburgh police.
As R.E.A.L. has reported, the Confederate Stormfront site members also regularly praises and supports other terrorists.
Stormfront members praised terrorist James Von Brunn who attacked the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, while wearing a “Confederate soldier’s long coat cap.” The terrorist James Von Brunn murdered an African-American security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Stephen Tyrone Johns. Stormfront members praised his terrorist attack, stating “if you’re white, act white,” and calling for whites to “hate with violent passion,” and other Stormfront members stating that the “ZOG” media would lie about his terror attack, viewing the white supremacist terrorist as a “martyr.”

Stormfront Members Praised Attack by White Supremacist Terrorist James Von Brunn who Murdered Stephen Tyrone Johns in Attack on U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
In addition, Stormfront members praise other terrorists in their attacks on the United States of America, as part of their Confederate hatred against America.
This includes Stormfront members praise for white terrorist Joseph Stack’s airplane terrorist attack on an IRS building in Austin, Texas, which resulted in the death of an African-American veteran Vernon Hunter, who they were pleased to see murdered in the terrorist attack. Stormfront members praise for the terrorist attack included: “The Guy is a true HERO!!!”, “God bless him – a true hero”, “This was quite heroic”, “People are awakening. Whites shall be free again”, “White America needs a Joe Stack Commemoration Holiday!”, regarding the murder of Vernon Hunter in the terrorist attack “Just consider that an early retirement!”, and one Stormfront member urging violent individuals to “take it directly to the source in DC.” Stormfront members saw the terrorist act as a re-affirmation of their white supremacy, stating: “How many more will have to snap before the masses of White Americans wake up to our plight? How many more will have to make the ultimate sacrifice?”

Stormfront Members Praise Terrorist Attack on Austin, Texas IRS Office and Murder of African-American Vernon Hunter (Photo: Jana Birchum, Getty Images)
The Confederate Stormfront members also praised the terrorist attack on the U.S. Pentagon by Joseph Patrick Bedell, another white terrorist, who took automatic weapons to kill as many Americans as possible at the Pentagon. Stormfront members praised his terrorism, claiming that his attack was on the “ZOG” (Zionist Occupied Government), stating that they shared Bedell’s that the U.S. federal government was a “criminal conspiracy”, with Stormfront members stating they felt “a swift action by many would be ideal to take down the power structure” in America.

Confederate Stormfront Members Praised John Patrick Bedell’s Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon ( Photo from Washoe County Jail (AP Photo/Washoe County jail via the Reno Gazette Journal)
Once again, this provides evidence of the open and public support for terrorist attacks by members of the Confederate Stormfront organization and other white supremacist and Confederate groups. Stormfront members have even voiced support for the 9/11 terrorist attacks against America.
The history of Confederate terrorism is not new, but we have seen it continue to grow over the past 10 years, and we believe it is the responsibility of human rights activists, American patriots, United States government leaders and counter-terrorists to challenge and defy such Confederate terrorists.
After the defeat of the pro-slavery Confederate army by American patriots in 1865, the Confederate activists continued their war against American human rights through a combination of terrorist insurgent and propaganda methods. The first of the Confederate terrorists was John Wilkes Booth who assassinated U.S. President Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 at the Ford Theater. Since then, the United States has continued to face an ongoing terrorist challenge from Confederate terrorists throughout our history.
American patriots have challenged the Confederate terrorist organization of the Ku Klux Klan since 1865, and we continue to do so again. The United States government created the Enforcement Act of 1871 (17 Stat. 13) to address the activities of the Confederate Ku Klux Klan terrorist organization, which has continued to plague this nation. The Confederate Ku Klux Klan terrorist organization has a long history of beatings, murders, lynchings, and bombings, including killing of civil rights leaders (with the cooperation of southern law enforcement), and infamous terrorist attacks on African-American houses of worship.
Among these horrific acts of terrorism by the Confederate Ku Klux Klan were the KKK bombing of the African-American 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama killing four African-American girls, and more recently the 1995 KKK burning of the Mount Zion AME church in Greeleyville, South Carolina, which recently burned down again on June 30, 2015 (reportedly due to lightning).

Confederate Ku Klux Klan Terrorists against African-American Churches and Their Victims – Little Girls
The Stormfront group was created by Confederate Ku Klux Klan leader Don Black as a way to re-package the appearance of such white supremacism, and whose members have been proven to support Confederate terrorism. Stormfront lists and actively promotes such Confederate Ku Klux Klan organizations throughout the United States.

Confederate Ku Klux Klan Leader Don Black Sought to Re-Package KKK Message with “Stormfront” Promoting Confederate Flag and History
In addition, we have reported on the praise by Confederate Stormfront members in the burning of African-American Christian Churches in the United States. Stormfront members finds the burning of American churches to be a source of great amusement to them; one Stormfront member writes “Burn Baby Burn,” regarding such churches while holding a Confederate flag.
Another Stormfront member mocks the destruction of a church (allegedly by lightning) that “Lightning is an ‘Act of God’, isn’t it?’. Other Stormfront members mock the arson and burning of African-American churches stating that “Obama probably just told them to burn down their own churches so he could funnel them money.” Stormfront members glamorize a box of matches on the racist website, writing “Unless they are used to set White people on fire, then it’s not a hate crime.”

Confederate Racist Website Stormfront Posts Image of Matches Regarding African-American Churches being Burned Down – Stating “Unless they are used to set white people on fire, then it’s not a hate crime.”
The Confederate Stormfront group has been part of “white nationalist” rallies that it has in different parts of the nation, including previously in Washington DC. When Stormfront’s recruitment event for the Washington DC area was protested by the free speech of R.E.A.L. and other human rights groups, the Confederate extremist group threatened R.E.A.L.’s founder and his family. Stormfront posted images with machine guns calling attacks on those who protested the event, and other white supremacists groups threatened R.E.A.L.’s founder stating “I’d be surprised if someone didn’t decide to correct your behavior,” and that “when someone does declares war on us, it’s OK to fight back. With any and all means.”

Confederate Stormfront Group “Machine Gun” Threat at R.E.A.L.’s Free Speech to Protest White Supremacist Recruitment Meetings
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)’s position remains constant and consistent: we support the Universal Human Rights of all people, including all of our fellow Americans. We do not believe a human rights campaign can be limited to any one part of the world, but we believe that our shared universal human rights must be protected for all people around the world, including minorities in the United States of America.
Furthermore, we do not believe that a campaign of merely passively calling for human rights and dignity in the face of human right threats is sufficient. We believe that to be RESPONSIBLE for equality and liberty – we must be active participants in a society which works to ensure such shared human rights, including rejecting and defying the forces of any extremist group which seeks to deny and degrade the human rights of our fellow human beings. Our challenge to Confederates and white supremacy in the United States is no different than our challenge to extremists attacking human rights anywhere in the world.
R.E.A.L. calls for the American people to reject and denounce the ongoing Confederate culture of white supremacy and its history of racism, slavery, and hate. R.E.A.L. calls for the American people to denounce and end the public honoring of any symbols or monuments to a Confederate culture of white supremacy, which has as its basis the rejection of equality, liberty, our shared universal human rights, and the truths that we hold self-evident as a nation, and as a human race. In a phrase, “Take It Down.”
Such determined stance in support of our human rights and dignity, and our rejection of the forces of racial hatred and violence is the obligation of all patriotic Americans.
Our support for our universal human rights is a fundamental basis for global trust, respect, and communications among all people, not only in the United States, but also around the world. We urge our fellow Americans and all those around the world to be Responsible for Equality And Liberty.