On December 13, 2015, terrorists targeted religious minority Shiite Muslims with a bomb, which has killed and wounded scores of people at the Landa Bazar in the Tal Adda area of Parachinar, in Kurram Agency, Pakistan. The Parachinar market bomb blasting was believed to be a remote controlled and detonated bomb, so that the terrorist could escape. The police and ambulances were on the scene, trying to cordon off and control the area, and a bomb squad was investigating the bombing.
In a video posted online after the terrorist attack, smoke and flames could be seen coming out of a white vehicle, which looked some type of van or bus. Another video showed the chaos of the aftermath of the attack.

Video posted online showed flames and smoke coming out of a vehicle (Source: FB/Parachinar.Greenlands)
Pakistan television showed debris, clothing, and wounded throughout the market after the bombing, with the surviving market goers fleeing the area. The bodies of those killed and injured were taken to Agency Headquarters Hospital, according to reports.

Terrorist attack on Shiite Muslims at Landa Bazar in the Tal Adda area of Parachinar, in Kurram Agency, Pakistan (Source: Twitter)
The market is predominantly Shiite, and so the victims are overwhelming Shiite Muslims. At 1 PM local time, Waqt News and The Nation News reported that there were 23 dead and 60 injured. That death toll was expected to rise, as at least 10 of the injured were critically injured.

Terrorist attack on Shiite Muslims at Landa Bazar in the Tal Adda area of Parachinar, in Kurram Agency, Pakistan (Source: Twitter)
On Twitter, people in the area shared their knowledge of the attack.
One stated: “There was no security in market of #Parachinar at the time of blast. Political Administration need to change! ” Another referred to the terrorist attack as “Car Bomb explosion Hits #Shiite majority area #Parachinar #Pakistan.
23 martyred. Over 50 wounded. #ShiaGenocide. ”
While at the moment of this posting, no specific terrorist group has claimed this attack, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) urges the Pakistan people and people of the world to remember this is the price of the world’s continuing silence and weakness in challenging the ideologies of extremism that believe such attacks on religious minority Shiites are sickeningly “justified.”
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) urges the Pakistan people and people of all faiths and identity groups to recognize that such religious persecution of minorities and associated violence of terrorist affects all people. It is also another reminder of how such extremist terrorists, who claim to be acting on their view of “Islam,” attack and murder other Muslims, and we have seen again and again, in Pakistan and around the world.