One of the victims of the San Bernardino, California terrorist attack had received a threatening message the day before the December 2, 2015 attack. The day before the terrorist attack, according to a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer, victim Nicholas Thalasinos reportedly “had posted about a threat he had received that included the words ‘you will die and never see Israel.’ ” Nicholas Thalasinos was a Messianic Jew.

Nicholas Thalasinos, Messianic Jew, was killed in San Bernardino terrorist attack – he received a threat the day before “you will die and never see Israel” – he objected to ISIS extremist views (Source: Facebook)
In addition, TIME Magazine reports that Kuuleme Stephens said “he happened to call 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos while he was at work and having a discussion with Syed Farook.” TIME Magazine reports that “they had a heated conversation about Islam two weeks before the attack.” TIME Magazine’s interview also added comments from Kuuleme Stephens that “[s]he added that Farook said Americans don’t understand Islam.”
Nicholas Thalasinos’ wife, Jennifer Thalasinos, lives in another part of the country and was contacted by the New York Times. According to the New York Times, “[i]n a phone interview, Jennifer Thalasinos said that her husband of nine years had been friendly with Mr. Farook, and that they were part of the same ‘little group’ of employees. ‘He had worked with him,’ Ms. Thalasinos said of her husband. ‘He had talked about him. Nothing negative.'” The New York Times added “‘My husband was very outspoken about ISIS and all of these radicalized Muslims,’ she said, adding, ‘If he would’ve thought that somebody in his office was like that, he would’ve said something.'”
Los Angeles News KTLA Channel 5 reported that Syed Farook “apparently was radicalized and in touch with people being investigated by the FBI for international terrorism, law enforcement officials said Thursday.” CNN reported that “Farook himself had talked by phone and on social media with more than one person being investigated for terrorism, law enforcement officials said. The communications were ‘soft connections’ in that they weren’t frequent, one law enforcement official said. It had been a few months since Farook’s last back-and-forth with these people, who officials said were not considered high priority.”
Los Angeles CBS reported that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik were reportedly viewing ISIS propaganda, stating that “[a] source also told CBS News that the pair were looking at ISIS propaganda online.”
CNN reported that the San Bernarino police chief addressed “the discovery of hundreds of rounds of ammunition in their rented black SUV as well as in their apartment. Authorities also found 12 pipe bombs there, as well as hundreds of tools that could be used to construct IEDs or pipe bombs,’ the chief said.”
Per the Clarion-Ledger, the San Bernardino police chief reported that “a search of the couple’s home turned up 2,000 9mm rounds, more than 2500 .223-caliber rounds and “several hundred” 22 long rifle rounds, as well as 12 pipe bombs and tools for making more explosive devices. He said the pair had rented their black SUV getaway car several days earlier and were supposed to return it on the day of the assault.”
The New York Times reports that “[i]nside the the small townhouse where the couple returned after the shooting, investigators found what they termed a fairly large “dedicated work space” and several tools that appeared to have been used to create pipe bombs, according to law enforcement officials. Along with the dozen devices that were in the home, the authorities found smokeless powder, the officials said. That substance is most often found in bullets but can also be used to set off pipe bombs. The Boston Marathon bombers used that type of substance to ignite their devices.”
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) stands in unified support for the Universal Human Rights of all of our fellow human beings of every identity group, with respect for their human rights, dignity, and security. We will also defy those extremists ideologies that seek the destruction of such rights, dignity, and security, especially those who use cold-blooded tactics of murder and mayhem to enforce their political will. We will always recognize such acts of violence as nothing other than Terrorism.