In the remote eastern Oregon suburb of Burns, Oregon, a terrorist group, led by extremists Bundy brothers Ryan Bundy and Ammon Bundy, has taken over U.S. federal government buildings in Oregon, and are holding them by gunpoint. The Bundy-led terrorist group seized the U.S. federal government buildings on January 2, 2016, while they were closed for the New Year’s holiday. Public calls for the Bundy terrorist group to surrender to the authorities have been ignored. One terrorist in the group, Ryan Bundy, told Oregonian reporter Ian Kullgren that were willing to kill other Americans.
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) remains fully committed to rejecting all terrorist threats and attacks on the Universal Human Rights of all of our fellow human beings, including Americans. In the United States of America, the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” [28 C.F.R. Section 0.85 (1) ].
Ian Kullgren reported on January 3, 2016 regarding the terrorist group which has taken over the U.S. federal government building in Oregon: “I talked to Ryan Bundy on the phone again. He said they’re willing to kill and be killed if necessary.”
Another one of the terrorists, calling himself “Captain Moroni,” told another reporter that he came to take over the U.S. federal government building to die as part of a suicide terrorist attack, stating “I came here to die.” Among the terrorist extremists, there are those claiming to use the attack to promote an extremist view of Mormonism. R.E.A.L. has reached out to and urged the Church of Latter Day Saints to make a statement denouncing these extremist terrorists, which have taken over U.S. government facilities in Oregon. UPDATE: R.E.A.L. has learned the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has released the following statement: “While the disagreement occurring in Oregon about the use of federal lands is not a Church matter, Church leaders strongly condemn the armed seizure of the facility and are deeply troubled by the reports that those who have seized the facility suggest that they are doing so based on scriptural principles. This armed occupation can in no way be justified on a scriptural basis. We are privileged to live in a nation where conflicts with government or private groups can – and should – be settled using peaceful means, according to the laws of the land.”
One of the Bundy brother terrorist leaders, Ammon Bundy, stated that the armed terrorists planned to occupy the U.S. government facility for years. In a report to the Oregonian, Ammon Bundy stated: “We’re planning on staying here for years, absolutely… This is not a decision we’ve made at the last minute.”
The terrorist group initially stated that they have as many as 150 armed terrorist supporters at the Oregon wildlife refuge compound that they have taken over. Later reports by the media has indicated the terror gang at the Oregon facility is more like 20 individuals.
The Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward stated that the Bundy-led group’s efforts are an “attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States.”
The Harney County Government stated that the Harney County Court House will be closed for security reasons Monday January 4, 2016. Oregon Live reported that schools would be closed in the area this week due to the security issue.
The terrorist group began with what they called a “peaceful protest” at the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, regarding policies of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which is a part of the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the arrest of two Oregon Harney County ranchers for a 2012 case of arson. The two Harney County ranchers, Dwight Hammond Jr. and his son Steven Hammond, were convicted, served time, and reporting for additional jail sentences. The Hammond family reportedly has rejected the terrorist activities of the Bundy-led terrorist group. “Neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond Family,” the Hammonds’ lawyer W. Alan Schroeder wrote to Sheriff David Ward.
Many among the Oregon public have rejected and renounced the actions of the Bundy-led terrorist group. AP reports that local residents fear being targets of the extremist group. While the public and Oregonians are also angry with the Bundy-led terrorist group, law enforcement has specifically asked the public not to confront the terrorists.

Sign outside a Burns, Oregon, home reflects community sentiment that Bundy-led terrorist group is not welcome by Oregonians (Source: Les Zaitz, The Oregonian via AP)
After the initial “protest” in front of the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, terrorist leaders broke away from the protest and drove off to an area south of Burns to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, which they took over the U.S. government facility at gunpoint, and blocked the access road. Local news media believe that the terrorist plot to take over the U.S. federal government facility had “been planned for some time.”
The terrorist group took over the refuge headquarters at gunpoint of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, south of Burns, which is operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which includes the main office, a museum, and homes. The terrorists have also stationed armed extremists within the wildlife center’s watchtower to watch for law enforcement response to their crimes. In addition to this facility, the Oregonian reports that the Bundy-led terrorist group was also planning to take over another U.S. government facility at a wildland fire station near the town of Frenchglen, Oregon, which is approximately 40 miles south of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. The Oregonian reports that “The U.S. Bureau of Land Management posts crews there during the fire season.”
The Bundy-led terrorist group is known to consist of Ryan Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Payne (U.S. Army veteran from Montana), Blaine Cooper (from Arizona who was involved in Quran burnings to incite violence), Jon Ritzheimer (who has led groups with automatic weapons to threaten Muslims outside of Arizona mosques), and LaVoy Finicum (described by critics as an “anarchist” who views himself as “above the law” and “threatening violence to get what you decided should be yours.”) Similar to other “suicide” type terrorist videos by jihadist extremists, the Oregonian reports that : “[d]ays before the refuge takeover, Ritzheimer posted what struck some as a farewell video to his family,” who he abandoned on Christmas Day to drive to Oregon, as part of the planned terrorist takeover. In terrorist Jon Ritzheimer’s “farewell video,” he condemned the U.S. government as an “oppressive and tyrannical government.”
The Bundy-led terrorist group originally claimed to have over 100 supporters at the Oregon compound under seige, but according to an Oregon Live report on the afternoon of January 4, indicates that in their appeals for more members, they are now stating they have 20 members in their terrorist group at the U.S. government facility they have taken hostage.
The Bundy-led terrorist group continues to have access to the Internet and apparently mobile phones to continue to recruit new members to their terrorist cause, while they are holding the U.S. federal government building hostage. Like the ISIS terrorist group, the Bundy-led terrorists have used Twitter and Facebook as ways to recruit members to support their violent activities, as well as to issue propaganda for their cause. They continue to have such access while committing their terrorist attack. Twitter has not cancelled their accounts, and they continue to publish new propaganda while actively holding U.S. government facilities at gunpoint.
Terrorist Ammon Bundy has been using Twitter on the morning of Monday, January 4, 2016 to promote his agenda and his claims that he has a “Constitutional” right to commit terrorist activities. His followers include supporters of the racist Confederate group, racist “White Resistance,” and various extremists, as well as a reported police officer with the City of Miami Gardens, Florida.

Terrorist Leader Ammon Bundy still has access to Twitter account to spread his message, while holding U.S. government facilities at gunpoint (Source: Twitter)
In addition, the Bundy terrorist group is also recruiting for additional support on Facebook using a “Bundy Ranch” account, and there has been no action to cancel their Facebook recruiting page, which provides telephone numbers and means for terrorist supporters to aid and support the violent takeover of U.S. federal government buildings. Facebook is continuing to be used by this group for active recruitment of an armed, violent takeover of U.S. Government facilities, at the time of this posting, with no Facebook limitations on their activities.
Oregon Live also reports that the Bundy terrorist group is getting out other appeals on the afternoon of January 4, 2016, for armed and unarmed terrorist supporters to join them. Blaine Cooper and Jon Ritzheimer, who are members of the terrorist group, are using the Internet to make appeals to their extremist followers.
The FBI’s Portland, Oregon office released a statement on January 4, 2016, via Twitter which stated: “The FBI is the lead investigative agency for the situation at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.” “We are working with Harney Cty SO, OSP & other agencies to bring a peaceful resolution to the situation at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.” “Due to safety considerations we will not be releasing any specifics with regards to the law enforcement response.”
On January 3, 2016, Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward issued a statement on the Bundy-led terrorist efforts: “These men came to Harney County claiming to be part of militia groups supporting local ranchers, when in reality these men had alternative motives to attempt to over throw the county and federal government in hopes to spark a movement across the United States.” “We are currently working jointly with several organizations to make sure the citizens of Harney County are safe and this issue is resolved as quickly and peaceful as possible. At this time we do not have any information that any other areas in Harney County are in immediate danger.” “We ask that people stay away from the refuge for their safety. We also ask that if anyone sees any of these individuals in the area to please contact law enforcement and do not confront the individuals themselves…” Sheriff Dave Ward issued a previous statement which also stated: “A collective effort from multiple agencies is currently working on a solution. For the time being please stay away from that area. More information will be provided as it becomes available. Please maintain a peaceful and united front and allow us to work through this situation.”
Law enforcement authorities asked politicians not to comment on the Bundy-led terrorist effort to avoid inflaming the situation, which was why there had been a considerable silence on January 2 and 3 on this issue from the political community. However, one national politician did criticize a lack of aggressive action as a racial issue. Another national politician made a statement on January 4 calling for the Bundy-led group to “stand down,” because “we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence against others.”
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)’s position has and will continue to remain consistent on our unambiguous rejection of terrorist violence, which is in direct opposition to our Universal Human Rights. R.E.A.L. does not see any “conservative” or “liberal” political view, or any other “political” view, when it comes to such terrorist threats, activities, criminal behavior, and violation of our shared human rights. This is never a matter of “right” or “left” in politics, as some want to believe, but it is a matter of RIGHT and WRONG. As R.E.A.L. rejects all terrorist behavior, we also reject all terrorist threats and actions in the United States of America. To extremists who believe they have a Constitutional “right” to terrorist behavior, that is as much of a lie as those who claim they have a “religious” right to terrorist behavior. R.E.A.L. will consistently reject terrorism – all the time – and R.E.A.L. urges all those who respect our universal human rights to do so.