The “Nazi” and “white nationalist” Stormfront hate organization is actively promoting the February “American Renaissance” conference, still scheduled for the Washington DC area for the weekend of February 20 and 21. The Stormfront leader Don Black has attended previous American Renaissance national biannual conferences in the Washington DC area in 2006 and in 2008.
The UK Mirror reported that BNP leader Nick Griffin met with “former KKK chief and American Nazi Party thug Stephen ‘Don’ Black at racist conferences in the US,” including the 2006 American Renaissance conference. Nick Griffin, who has called the Holocaust the “Holohoax,” is a featured speaker at the 2010 American Renaissance conference in the Washington DC area.
The Stormfront organization has recently posted messages from its members eulogizing the death of white supremacist Nazi terrorist James Von Brunn who attacked the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC in June 2009. Stormfront members have called for others to “hate with violent passion,” have described terrorist Von Brunn as a “martyr,” and have praised the way Von Brunn “gave his life” in his terrorist attack on the Washington DC museum.
Stormfront is on the list of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) hate organizations.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) describes Don Black and Stormfront as follows:
“Stephen Donald ‘Don’ Black is one of the most influential white supremacists in the United States, due to his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, the most popular on-line meeting place for white supremacists around the world, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. A former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan, Black now devotes most of his time to running Stormfront out of his home in West Palm Beach, Florida.”
“Black espouses a racist and anti-Semitic ideology. His idea of ‘White Pride World Wide,’ a slogan that appears on the Stormfront Web site, involves demeaning and demonizing Jews and non-whites, while his concept of “victory” for whites includes the creation of ethnically cleansed living spaces. Black claims that blacks and non-white immigrants are increasing in numbers and committing crimes, thereby depriving whites of their majority and power in society. In addition to demonizing blacks and immigrants, Black targets Jews as the cause of societal ills.”
The Stormfront organization’s leadership is now actively promoting the “white nationalist hate group” American Renaissance conference planned for a location in the Washington DC area on the Stormfront web site, seeking to get additional members to come to the event.

Neo-Nazi Group Promotes Washington DC Area "American Renaissance" Conference - Scheduled for February 20-21
One problem for the Stormfront members is that they don’t know where the American Renaissance conference in February is going to be held.
As a result of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) alerting local area hotels to the background of hate associated with the American Renaissance, both the Dulles Marriott and the Washington Dulles Westin have canceled efforts by the American Renaissance “white nationalist hate group” to hold their event at these locations.
The Stormfront organization is reporting that the American Renaissance is planning to hold their event in a secret location that will be revealed 48 hours prior to the event. Instead of recognizing that those committed to our universal human rights and dignity reject hate ideologies, Stormfront members have blamed R.E.A.L. for the cancellations. They have made their threats on their website with smiley faces with machine guns. (We find such juvenile behavior to be pathetic.)

Neo Nazi Stormfront Group Upset that R.E.A.L. Revealed Racial Supremacist Nature of American Renaissance Group
We fear no evil.
We support our unqualified, universal human rights for all. We urge Nazi, white supremacist, and “white nationalist” supporters to drop the burden of the hate of supremacism from their hearts, and to rejoin the family of humanity in support of our universal human rights.
Choose love, not hate.
Resources and Other Reports:
1. Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) Reports on Stormfront
— Stormfront: Nazis Eulogize Terrorist Von Brunn, Praise His Actions, Call for Hate
— White Supremacist Terrorist Von Brunn Dies – Attacked U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Murdered Guard
— Pittsburgh Police Shooting Suspect Member of StormFront White Supremacist Neo-Nazi Web Site
— Pittsburgh: More on Poplawki’s Links to White Supremacist Nazi StormFront
— Illinois: White supremacists to rally in Illinois town over bus attack
— Tennessee: White Supremacist Terrorist Pleads Guilty – Mass Murder Terror Plot – Paul Schlesselman
— White Supremacist Organization Event Planned for Florida
2. Related R.E.A.L. Reports
— Virginia: “White Nationalist” Hate Group to Meet in Dulles Area – February 19 through 21
— R.E.A.L. reports on American Renaissance
— R.E.A.L. reports on Racial Supremacism
— 900 Reasons to Defy Racial Supremacism – But You Only Need One – by Jeffrey Imm
— Why It is “Right” to Reject Racism
— What to Do About Racial Supremacism – LOVE WINS – by Jeffrey Imm
— We Have A Responsibility – by Jeffrey Imm
— August 28 – Call for End to Racial Hate and Division at Robert E. Lee Memorial
— August 28: R.E.A.L. Event Challenging Racial Supremacism – Robert E. Lee Memorial “Arlington House”
3. Other Reports
— Anti-Defamation League (ADL) on Extremism
— ADL on Don Black / Stormfront
— Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Intelligence Project
— SPLC – September 2005: Stormfront grows a thriving neo-Nazi community
— SPLC Listing of White Nationalist Hate Groups
— – founded in 2004