On October 31, 2009 members of Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) protested VDARE speakers at a Baltimore-area conference of the “H L Mencken Club.” Members of the racist hate group VDARE at the event included Steven Sailer and Patrick Buchanan.
R.E.A.L reported on this, including racial IQ writer Steven Sailer from VDARE’s keynote speech condemning “Libreal [sic] Jews” and human diversity. Individuals who were also reported to be part of the H L Mencken Club convention included: Patrick Buchanan, Patrick Deneen, Gene Edward Veith, E. Christian Kopff, James Kurth, Lee Congdon, Kevin Gutzman, George Csatary, John Derbyshire, Richard Spencer, Jeff Frazee, professor and VDARE contributor Paul Gottfried (Gottfried: “Did Pre-MLK America Really Need Redemption?”), and “Youth for Western Civilization” (YWC) leader Kevin DeAnna.
As Kevin DeAnna has previously claimed to not support racial supremacism, R.E.A.L. wrote Kevin DeAnna to confirm that he would not attend this event. DeAnna never replied.
However, R.E.A.L. later obtained photographic evidence that YWC’s Kevin DeAnna did speak at the H.L. Mencken conference in Baltimore.

Youth for Western Civilization's (YWC) Kevin DeAnna at H.L. Mencken Club in Conference with Pat Buchanan, Steve Sailer, Richard Spencer
The H. L. Mencken Club conference was co-sponsored by the Vienna, Virginia-based Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation, which is also on the SPLC list of white nationalist hate groups.
The Fitzergerald Griffin Foundation prominently promotes the writing and work of Sam Francis, such as “Race and the American Prospect: Essays on the Racial Realities of Our Nation and Our Time,” and “Shots Fired.” (The writings of white nationalist Sam Francis are also promoted by the VDARE web site.) Sam Francis, who died in 2005, was notorious for his white nationalist views and also was chief editor for the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC). The CofCC, founded in Georgia, is not headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. White nationalist Jared Taylor, who is also promoted by VDARE, was a key speaker at the 2009 CofCC national convention.
See also:
— R.E.A.L. Protests VDARE Speakers in Baltimore
— June 20, 2009: R.E.A.L. Protests McLean, Virginia Conference with VDARE Speaker Peter Brimelow