Media reports on hate symbols spray-painted on a drive in a Madison neighborhood in Tennessee.
WSMV – Tennessee: ‘KKK,’ Swastika Spray-Painted On Driveway
— Police Increase Patrols In Madison Neighborhood
— WSMV media images
— WSMV reports: “Symbols of hate found in a Madison neighborhood is spreading fear and increasing police patrols.”
— “Someone spray-painted ‘KKK’ and a swastika on a Madison driveway in the middle of the night. The black woman who lives there noticed the markings early Wednesday morning as she got in her car to go to work and called police.”
The Tennessean — Hate symbols painted on driveway
— The Tennessean reports: “Carla Gordon always felt welcome in her Madison neighborhood. That is, until Wednesday morning, when she walked outside to find ‘KKK’ and a Nazi swastika painted on her driveway.”
— “‘Honestly, it’s really, really scary,’ said Gordon, 49, who is black and works for the Tennessee Department of Labor. ‘I remember telling people that in all of my 49 years I’ve never experienced outright racism, let alone hate. This is my first experience with that.'”
— “Metro police are investigating two possible hate crimes in the neighborhood, one at Gordon’s house and more graffiti at a Hispanic neighbor’s home two houses down, which had identical messages painted on a car.”

The Tennessean: "Carla Gordon woke up at her home Wednesday morning to a Nazi swastika and 'KKK' painted on her driveway in Madison" (Photo: JOHN PARTIPILO / THE TENNESSEAN)
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) urges those who hate to unburden the hate from their hearts.
Choose Love, Not Hate. Love Wins.