August 26, 2010 – White House Women’s Equality Day Event
On Thursday, August 26, 2010, we will remember Women’s Equality Day in Washington DC. We will share the joy of those who commemorate the 90th anniversary of women’s suffrage in America. The proclamation enacting the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, giving women the right to vote, was signed by Secretary of State, days after Tennessee became the final state needed to ratify the amendment. But on August 26, 2010, we will not just celebrate the past, but we will urge President Obama and both our federal and state elected representative to finish the job and pass the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) to ensure Constitutional Equality for all women in America.
We still have the open issue of the Equal Rights Amendment (E.R.A.) that has not yet been ratified and which needs the attention of American government leaders, American government representatives, and the women and men of the American public.
So we will be at the White House on Women’s Equality Day, urging President Barack Obama to make women’s full Constitutional equality a priority in his administration!
Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.), United4Equality LLC, and local area chapters of the National Organization for Women (N.O.W.) will jointly hold a protest and candle light vigil at the White House on Women’s Equality Day to urge our president to remember that once again this year, half of the nation still does not yet have full Constitutional Equality. We will have candles – and we will hold this rain or shine! We urge you to join us!
— see United4Equality Web Site
— See our flier at
Scheduled Speakers:
— National Women’s History Museum – Senior Vice President, Ann Stone
— Sewall Belmont House & Museum – Lead Docent, Erin Dexter
— Business & Professional Women USA – Immediate Past President and Bowie Councilwoman, Honorable Diane Polangin
— Coalition of Labor Union Women – Executive Director, Carol Rosenblatt
— Event Hosts – United For Equality, Responsible For Equality & Liberty
— Open Mike for Women on their views about Women’s Rights in America Today
Event Logistics and Contacts:
Date: Thursday, August 26, 2010 — in front of north side of the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC
— 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM – Rally for Women’s Equal Rights at Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House, across from Lafayette Park
— 8:15 PM to 9:30 PM – Candlelight Vigil and Remembrance of Women Leaders in front of White House at Lafayette Park and Pennsylvania Avenue.
Contact: Jeffrey Imm, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)
Web Page:
Bit.Ly Link:
Directions and Area Map:
Public Transportation encouraged: On-street parking is not available near the White House, and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. Parking is available in parking lots near the Metro Center station or Farragut North or Farragut West Metro Stop, and then either walk (or use the subway for a short few stops if parking at Metro Center) from a nearby metro stop – see details below.
Restrooms/Public telephones: The nearest restrooms and public telephones to the White House are in the Ellipse Visitor Pavilion (the park area south of the White House) and in the White House Visitor Center. Restrooms or public telephones are not available at the White House.
Google Map and Directions to White House – 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Lafayette Park in the Direction of the White House - Keep Walking to the Lafayette Park Sidewalk facing the White House
Parking Options Near White House:
— 15th and 17th Streets are the ‘bordering’ streets East and West.
— To the West, (NY Avenue-E)/F/G Streets sometimes has parking on the street
— Pennsylvania Avenue between 17th and 18th may have parking and there are parking garages in this block of Pennsylvania Avenue
— Best chance for parking is in the Metro Center area as people are heading home from work, but be careful if you park in a garage to check to see what time it closes.
– Parking lots that we have seen within a few blocks of Metro Center near to Freedom Plaza (and National Theater) include:
— 1220 E Street, NW – Enter on E Street between 12th and 13th Streets
— 424 11th Street, NW
— 1325 G Street, NW – Enter on G Street between 13th and 14th Streets
— 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW – Enter on 13th Street between E and F Streets
If you are taking the Washington DC subway (Metro), you should exit at the Metro Center (Red/Orange/Blue Lines), Federal Triangle (Orange/Blue Lines) Farragut West (Orange/Blue Lines), Farragut North (Red Line), or McPherson Square (Orange/Blue Lines) metro stops. See WMATA.COM Web Site for a Trip Planner and the Metro Subway Map.
1. Head west on G St NW toward 13th St NW (0.3 mi)
2. Turn right at 15th St NW (148 ft)
3. Turn left at Pennsylvania Ave NW (0.2 mi)
— Reverse Directions back to Metro Center

Map Showing Walk from Metro Center to White House - and Nearby McPherson Square, Farragut West Stops
1. Head west on I St NW toward 15th St NW (371 ft)
2. Turn left at Vermont Ave NW (446 ft)
3. Turn right at H St NW (43 ft)
4. Turn left (436 ft)
5. Turn left (322 ft)
— Reverse Directions back to McPherson Square
1. Head north on 12th St NW toward Pennsylvania Ave NW (453 ft)
2. Turn left at Pennsylvania Ave NW (0.2 mi)
3. Turn right at 14th St NW (220 ft)
4. Turn left at Pennsylvania Ave NW (495 ft)
5. Turn right at 15th St NW (0.2 mi)
6. Turn left at Pennsylvania Ave NW (0.2 mi)
— Reverse Directions back to Federal Triangle
1. Exit station through 18TH & I (EYE) ST NW entrance.
2. Walk approx. 1 block S on 18th St NW.
3. Turn left on Pennsylvania Ave NW.
4. Walk approx. 3 blocks SE on Pennsylvania Ave NW.
— Reverse Directions back to Farragut West
1. Exit station through CONNECTICUT AVE & K ST NW entrance.
2. Walk a short distance S on Connecticut Ave NW.
3. Walk straight on 17th St NW.
4. Walk approx. 1 block S on 17th St NW.
5. Turn left on I St NW.
6. Walk a short distance E on I St NW.
7. Turn right on Connecticut Ave NW.
8. Walk approx. 1 block S on Connecticut Ave NW.
9. Bear right on Jackson Pl NW.
10. Walk approx. 1 block S on Jackson Pl NW.
11. Turn left on Pennsylvania Ave NW.
12. Walk approx. 1 block E on Pennsylvania Ave NW.
— Reverse Directions back to Farragut North