Germany: Accused Nazi Demjanjuk charged with 27,900 counts of accessory to murder
— “German prosecutors charge Demjanjuk as accessory to murder at Nazi death camp” — “German prosecutors formally charged John Demjanjuk on Monday with 27,900 counts…
— “German prosecutors charge Demjanjuk as accessory to murder at Nazi death camp” — “German prosecutors formally charged John Demjanjuk on Monday with 27,900 counts…
On July 11, Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.) members held a public awareness event at the Lincoln Memorial reflecting pool steps to promote equality…
(Jordan) Spree of honour killings in Jordan — report summarizing recent “honour killings” in Jordan
China riots injured toll up to 1,680
North Korea: New Petition for Amnesty for Laura Ling and Euna Lee — sponsored by
(Mauritania) Half a million African slaves are at the heart of Mauritania’s presidential election — Daily Telegraph reports: “More than half a million slaves are…
(U.S.) Report on White Supremacist / Extremist Meeting — one of the participants recorded stated: “Anyone Willing to Shoot a Jew is a Friend”
(Iraq) Car bomb explodes outside Iraqi church, kills 4 — AP reports: “A car bomb exploded near a church as worshippers left Sunday Mass, killing…
(Germany) Demjanjuk Trial to Break Legal Ground in Germany
(North Korea) U.S. seeks amnesty for two held in North Korea — Laura Ling and Euna Lee — “The United States has dropped its request…