Afghanistan revises contentious marriage law
Afghanistan revises contentious marriage law — “Afghanistan’s government has revised a marriage law that sparked an international outcry over sections that appeared to legalize marital…
Afghanistan revises contentious marriage law — “Afghanistan’s government has revised a marriage law that sparked an international outcry over sections that appeared to legalize marital…
IPT: DC – “‘Mainstream’ Islamist Convention Features Hate Speech” — ISNA Convention — IPT reports: “During a “meet the authors” session, Imam Warith Deen Umar,…
New Jersey: Man in cross burning guilty of 2 intimidation counts — Philadelphia Inquirer reports: “Terence Jones was driving his new BMW down a country…
Arizona: Judge delays decision on releasing alleged bomber — reported white supremacists — “A federal judge on Wednesday delayed a decision on whether to release…
(U.S.) Critics warn of extremist groups hiding true message
— “Young Jewish bride vanishes in Yemen” — “A young Jewish woman, Lia Saed Hamdi, either fled her husband’s family in Sana’a on Tuesday, or…
Iran police fire tear-gas as 1000s mark 1999 unrest (Iran) Hundreds protest in Iran, defying crackdown vow — “Hundreds of young men and women”… “confronting…
US reporter jailed in NKorea calls sister — AFP reports: “One of the two US reporters jailed in North Korea made a telephone call to…
(U.S.) Seattle Hate: “Man says threats against Muslims were to ‘defend America’”
Germany: Ban neo-Nazi sites from abroad