China Orders Officials In Hubei To Smoke 4.5 Million Cigarettes A Year Or Face Fines
China Orders Officials In Hubei To Smoke 4.5 Million Cigarettes A Year Or Face Fines — “around a million dying from smoking-related diseases every year”
China Orders Officials In Hubei To Smoke 4.5 Million Cigarettes A Year Or Face Fines — “around a million dying from smoking-related diseases every year”
North Korea seen readying for new nuclear test — North Korea ‘preparing for second nuclear test’
(Austria) Former KKK grand wizard living in Austria – David Duke
(U.S.) Dallas Morning News: “The new, improved KKK”
(U.S.) Dallas: Racist acts on the rise, local black coalition says
(U.S.) Imperial Klans of America dwindling, lawyer in civil suit says
(U.S.) Connecticut: Conn. man charged with bigotry in gun incident
(U.S.) Pennsylvania: Trooper details Leitzel’s racist propensity — white supremacist Alan Leitzel Jr. charged with murdering 3 month old baby
(U.S.) Tennessee: “Prison Chaplains Sued By Christian Identity Inmate” — white supremacist, Neo Nazi “Christian Identity” group seeks to hold “worship services”
(U.S.) Alabama: Ku Klux Klan protests immigration — “Ku Klux Klan members rallied at the Franklin County courthouse Saturday, disgusted by U.S. policies on the…