Arizona – Noor Almaleki Case: Hearing for Father Accused in Honor Killing Canceled for Third Time
Arizona – Noor Almaleki Case: Hearing for Father Accused in Honor Killing Canceled for Third Time
Arizona – Noor Almaleki Case: Hearing for Father Accused in Honor Killing Canceled for Third Time
On November 9, 2009, a week after the death of 20 year old Arizona woman Noor Almaleki, as a result of a “honor killing” by…
— Arraignment in ‘honor killing’ postponed again — Friends speak out after apparent West Valley ‘honor killing’
— Arizona Republic/AP: “Glendale ‘honor killing’ victim, 20, just wanted to be normal” — second AP web link to story — Facebook Page: “R.I.P Noor…
— Arizona Republic: “Glendale dad accused in ‘honor killing’ on suicide watch” — “A Glendale father accused of slaying his daughter for being too ‘Westernized’…
— Arizona Republic reports: “Glendale father to be arraigned in ‘honor killing’ case” — “An Iraqi immigrant accused of slaying his own daughter for becoming…
— Arizona Republic reports: “A 20-year-old Peoria woman has died of injuries sustained in what prosecutors are calling an ‘honor killing.’” — “Faleh Hassan Almaleki,…
Arizona – Noor Almaleki Case: Arizona Jails Iraqi Driver Accused of Running Down Daughter With His Car — Dad held in ‘honor killing’ try
Arizona Republic reports: Dad accused in hit-run fled to Mexico, England before capture An Iraqi immigrant accused of running over his daughter for being too…
— Buffalo News: “Accused wife killer gets more time to pay for psychiatric expert” — The Buffalo News reports: — “Over the objections of the…