Louisiana: Racist vandalism in Ark-La-Tex town – in Dubberly, Louisiana
Louisiana: Racist vandalism in Ark-La-Tex town – in Dubberly, Louisiana
Louisiana: Racist vandalism in Ark-La-Tex town – in Dubberly, Louisiana
Australia: Ku Klux Klan fears raised at murder hearing
Florida: Retrial for accused neo-Nazi killer — Nazi John Ditullio accused of killing woman — UPI: “Prosecutors say Ditullio was trying to impress leaders of…
Virginia: Columnist testifies against Nazi leader for racial threats — between Leonard Pitts and Nazi William A. White — Roanoke Times Ongoing Reports
‘Neshoba’ screening examines 1964 Mississippi murders — regarding 1964 murders of civil rights workers James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner — News Times: “In…
— The VDARE “racist” “hate group” has promoted an article by VDARE Contributor Raymond V. Raehn which essentially argues that America’s challenge to racism and…
Louisiana: Feb. 22 trial date set for son of Klan killing suspect — Shane Foster in killing of Cynthia Lynch — Advertiser reports: “Authorities have…
Civil rights-era murder draws renewed attention
Louis Farrakhan is reported speaking at Chicago’s Mosque Maryam which is the national headquarters for the SPLC-designated “hate group” Nation of Islam (NOI). “Hate group”…
White Supremacist Pendergraft Sisters’ Efforts to Promote Hate via Music — SPLC report on “Heritage Connection Band” – — Pendergraft sisters say “Its time for…