Egyptian Court Refuses to Return Passport to Christian
Egyptian Court Refuses to Return Passport to Christian — Peter Athanasius aka Maher El-Gohary — COMPASS reports: “On Tuesday (March 9) the Egyptian State Council…
Egyptian Court Refuses to Return Passport to Christian — Peter Athanasius aka Maher El-Gohary — COMPASS reports: “On Tuesday (March 9) the Egyptian State Council…
Oklahoma City: Racist graffiti covers school — “KKK” and “white power”
The anti-democracy group Hizb ut-Tahrir, which seeks the creation of a global caliphate, led a protest of thousands in Indonesia on Sunday March 14, 2010…
— Maureen Dowd writes on state of women in Saudi Arabia in “Driving Miss Saudi” — See also: — Blog Reports — Dowd in Saudi…
United Arab Emirates: (UAE) British pair face jail for kissing in Dubai — London Times: “Ayman Najafi, 24, and a female British tourist are appealing…
Poland: Holocaust monument in Poland vandalized — AP reports: “Words including ‘Jude Raus’ — German for ‘Jew Out’ — and ‘Hitler Good!’ in English, were…
Sweden to Extradite Auschwitz Theft Suspect Anders Hogstrom
UK: £90000 council housing boss is secret Nazi
German campaigners demand disclosure of dossier on Nazi’s flight to Argentina — Adolf Eichmann
Lebanese man arrested for sister’s ‘honor killing’ — in Hakr al-Daheri — AFP: “‘The 24-year-old victim was single and apparently had a boyfriend,’ the security…