Egypt: Voice of the Copts Advises Against Egypt Travel
Egypt: Voice of the Copts – “due to the gravity of Egyptian instability, Voice of the Copts advises anyone planning to visit Egypt to cancel…
Egypt: Voice of the Copts – “due to the gravity of Egyptian instability, Voice of the Copts advises anyone planning to visit Egypt to cancel…
Egypt security court to try suspects in Copt killings
Greece: Arsonists attack Crete synagogue — Jerusalem Post: “The Etz-Hayyim Synagogue in the Greek city of Hania on the island of Crete has been targeted…
We Have A Responsibility August 28, 2009 Robert E. Lee Memorial, Arlington, Virginia (Video Link) We are here today at the Robert E. Lee Memorial…
The UK government has “banned” the anti-democracy extremist group Islam4UK. Not suprisingly, Islam4UK’s Anjem Choudary seeks to simply rename their group, and plans to continue the…
The Shen Yun Performing Arts group will be making a human rights statement through dance, music, and art at the Washington DC Kennedy Center as…
U.S.: Human Rights Activist Says Shen Yun an Eye Opener — R.E.A.L’s Jeffrey Imm at Philadelphia, PA Shen Yun Performance
ChinaAid’s Response to Google’s Stand for Internet Freedom — “ChinaAid urges other American and Western companies join with Google in standing up against China media…
Communist China: Police Officer Says Human Rights Attorney Gao Zhisheng “Went Missing on a Walk”
The U.S. Department of Justice reported today that white supremacist terrorist Paul Schlesselman “admitted to conspiring to murder dozens of people, with a focus on…