Europe: “Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ‘News’ Website”
Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ‘News’ Website — European Union Times (EUT) — SPLC: “It was created by Jessica Nachtman, wife of Christopher Nachtman. He’s…
Racist Skinhead’s Wife Behind European ‘News’ Website — European Union Times (EUT) — SPLC: “It was created by Jessica Nachtman, wife of Christopher Nachtman. He’s…
ChinaAid reports on “Secretary Clinton Explains U.S. ‘Pragmatic Policy’ on Human Rights” December 15, 2009 “WASHINGTON, D.C.–After side-stepping human rights concerns in China earlier this…
Nigeria Compass: “Nigeria: Constitution review: Electoral reform, ‘Sharia’, federalism, others top agenda” — Nigeria Compass Report: “At the North-East zonal hearing held in Gombe, the…
Florida: Retrial for accused neo-Nazi killer — Nazi John Ditullio accused of killing woman — UPI: “Prosecutors say Ditullio was trying to impress leaders of…
Virginia: Columnist testifies against Nazi leader for racial threats — between Leonard Pitts and Nazi William A. White — Roanoke Times Ongoing Reports
Congo: Report: UN-backed Congo troops killing civilians — AP: “Soldiers being fed and supplied with ammunition by the United Nations have killed civilians, gang-raped girls…
Bloomberg News reports – “Letter from Egypt: Complaints of Bias Can Go Both Ways in Egypt – by Daniel Williams” — Egypt Forces Copts to…
MEMRI: “Palestinian Columnist: The ‘Jewish Holocaust’ Never Happened; Schools Must Teach the Palestinian Holocaust”
Petition to Free U.S. Hikers being tried as “spies” in Iran:
MEMRI: “Egyptian Writer Muhammad Yousuf ‘Adas, Former UNESCO Advisor, Denies the Holocaust and Claims: The Jews Finance Wars”