Florida: ‘KKK’ Carved into Florida Woman’s Door
Florida: ‘KKK’ Carved into Florida Woman’s Door — NWF Daily News Reports:’KKK’ found carved into door of DeFuniak home — “A DeFuniak Springs woman and…
Florida: ‘KKK’ Carved into Florida Woman’s Door — NWF Daily News Reports:’KKK’ found carved into door of DeFuniak home — “A DeFuniak Springs woman and…
Richmond, Virginia: Anti-hate rally responds to KKK hoax The Commonwealth Times reports: — “An anti-hate rally of about 30 protestors was led by two Richmond…
Germany: Victim’s son urges Nazi hit man Heinrich Boere to accept blame
JTA reports from Germany: — “New German Memorial Honors Nazis, Ignores Jews” — “A controversy has erupted in a German town over a new memorial…
Pakistan Daily Times: Religious parties reject plans to amend blasphemy law — “LAHORE: Rejecting any changes to the Namoos-e-Risalat Act — or the blasphemy law…
Louisiana justice quits after refusing to perform interracial wedding — Keith Bardwell — AP reports: A Louisiana justice of the peace who refused to marry…
Washington DC: Student Attacked Over Gay Rights Shirt: Georgetown
— Arizona Republic reports: “A 20-year-old Peoria woman has died of injuries sustained in what prosecutors are calling an ‘honor killing.’” — “Faleh Hassan Almaleki,…
Metro UK reports two stories on Tulay Goren sister’s testimony on her “honor killing” by her father: Metro UK reports: Metro UK: “‘Honour killing’ Dad…
— Der Spiegel: Witness in War Crimes Trial Could Face Indictment — “Samuel K. is expected to testify in the upcoming Nazi war crimes trial…