Ohio: Rifqa Bary returns to Columbus – Bary’s Internet, Phone Usage to be Monitored
Ohio: Rifqa Bary returns to Columbus — Judge orders agency to monitor religious runaway’s phone, Internet use — Rifqa Bary back in Ohio; judge wants…
Ohio: Rifqa Bary returns to Columbus — Judge orders agency to monitor religious runaway’s phone, Internet use — Rifqa Bary back in Ohio; judge wants…
Saudi Arabia: In Response to Calls to Improve Status of Saudi Women, Saudi Princess Launches ‘My Guardian Knows What’s Best For Me’ Campaign MEMRI reports:…
(UK) Tulay Goren Case — “Honour killing” mother Hanim Goren accused of drugging daughter — “She has been giving evidence against her husband” — Mum…
Pakistani Christians demand repeal of blasphemy law in Conference by PCC. — Asia News: “Pakistan, Christians and Muslim leaders: repeal blasphemy law” — Asia News:…
German court fines British bishop for Holocaust claims
Louisiana – Dec. 7 latest trial date in Klan death — of KKK recruit Cynthia Lynch
New York: Outrage Over ‘KKK’ Note in NYPD Precinct — NY1 report — NYPD sign defaced with KKK
— Reuters report — BBC report — The Local: Egyptian stab victim’s husband describes attack The Local and AFP report: On the first day of…
Spinning Out Of Control: Honor Killings and Media Bias — by Phyllis Chesler