Necessary Gesture Or Bad Decision? U.S. Cuts Funds To Iran Rights Group — Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
Necessary Gesture Or Bad Decision? U.S. Cuts Funds To Iran Rights Group — Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
Necessary Gesture Or Bad Decision? U.S. Cuts Funds To Iran Rights Group — Iran Human Rights Documentation Center
Iran launches legal case against former presidential candidate — APA: “Iran launched a legal case against former presidential candidate and former parliament speaker Mehdi Karoubi…
— BBC: “Honour killing girl ‘wanted love’” — “A teenager allegedly murdered by her father in a so-called ‘honour killing’ hated her family and wanted…
Uganda: APO – “Uganda ‘Anti-Homosexuality’ Bill Threatens Liberties and Human Rights Defenders Proposed Provisions Illegal, Ominous, and Unnecessary”
Missionary Society of St. Columban report: “Fr. Michael Sinnott Kidnapped in the Philippines” Missionary Society – Microsoft Word Report on Fr. Sinnott Kidnapping Missionary Society…
Pakistani Christians reject US aid, demand justice — Christianity Today reports: “Gojra Christians in Pakistan, the victims of the recent attacks by Islamic militants have…
Jordan: Jail for Jordan ‘honour killing’ — BBC: “A 21-year-old Jordanian man has been sentenced to 15 years in jail for killing his married sister…
Georgia: Billboard outside Georgia restaurant uses N-word to deride Obama health care policy plan — Bar owner says his signs are free speech, not racism
Canada: Anti-racism group protests alleged neo-Nazis – in Calgary neighborhood of Bridgeland
California: Youths suspected of anti-Semitic vandalism — Orange County Register reports: — “MISSION VIEJO Authorities suspect that local juveniles were responsible for vandalizing two stop…