Iraqi Christian prelate seeks government protection after Kirkuk kidnappings
Iraqi Christian prelate seeks government protection after Kirkuk kidnappings
Iraqi Christian prelate seeks government protection after Kirkuk kidnappings
Pakistan Christian Post: “Attack on Gojra Christians was supervised by government of Pakistan” — Pakistan Christian Post reports: “Faisalabad: October 5, 2009. (Joshua Lahro reports…
“Islamic Groups Shut Down Worship of Church in Indonesia” – COMPASS Direct News reports “Under pressure from Islamists, local officials order halt to services in…
In Washington, DC, the long debated public Muslim prayer session “Islam on Capitol Hill” has come and gone without incident. The anti-Islam Stop Islamization of…
Communist China: Mass Arrests of Falun Gong Prior to Communist Anniversary
— Pakistan Daily Times: “Husband strangulates wife over karo-kari” — “A mother of two was strangled to death by her husband over karo-kari at Noorani…
France: Rachida Dati’s brother claims she ‘brought shame on her Muslim family’ by becoming single mother — France: Minister’s brother says she brought shame on…
West Virginia: Investigate Racism in Area
Minnesota: Neo-nazi group plans protest of YWCA anti-racism workshop — “Forty people have registered for the workshop, titled ‘More Than Skin Deep: Uprooting White Privilege…
Bulgarian elected first UNESCO woman chief — UPI reports: “Irina Bokova, a former Bulgarian foreign minister, is the first woman to lead the United Nations’…